Round Robin Match Schedule!
Top 4 players advance to a championship round!
Elements Community Bidding Tic-Tac-Toe tournament, 1st edition
Earn Master of Games points! Try your luck and mastery by competing in a grand challenge of daring, strategy, and calculation: Bidding Tic-Tac-Toe!
In the game of bidding Tic-Tac-Toe, each player begins a game with 100 chips. Each player makes a secret bid to the moderator with the number of chips they would be willing to pay for the next move in the game. The player who bids more chips makes a move in the game of Tic-Tac-Toe and pays the stated number of chips to their opponent. For example, if player A bids 35 chips, and player B bids 30 chips, player A makes the move on the gameboard and pays 35 chips to player B. The new chipcounts will be 65 for player A and 135 for player B.
The game ends, as usual, when one player has 3 of their symbol in a row, column, or diagonal, or when all spaces on the gameboard are filled (in which case the game ends in a draw).
The player designated as “home” in a given match begins with a * after their name. Should the two players submit equal bids, the player with the * makes a move and passes both the * and the value of the bid to their opponent.
The Tic-Tac-Toe gameboard will look like this:
Each player will have a symbol that they replace
with in the gameboard. Should a player use the
symbol, the board will be made of a different symbol for their games.
Bids should be submitted via PM to me, in a form “26 chips to move onto the top center space” or any other equally clear designation. If you wish to use numbers to designate the spaces, the numbering will be read.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Timing: players have 24 hours from the timestamp of the previous move in the gamethread to submit their bids to me. Players will have 72 hours grace time per match total. The time it takes from the 24 hour mark after the previous move to the time you send me your PM will count against this clock. When both players have sent a PM, I will update the game thread with the latest bids and move. If you run out of grace time, you lose that match.
V/LA: If you anticipate being away for a few specific dates, let me know by PM as soon as you can, and I will try to schedule your matches around your absence.
The exact details of the tournament structure will depend on the number of players who sign up, but I will guarantee at least 4 games for all entrants.
I'd prefer to have a unique symbol for each player - feel free to claim yours when you sign up!
Time remaining until signups are closed:
None!Players signed up:
1. Kuroaitou (
2. haidao0923 (
3. skyironsword (
4. RootRanger (
5. mathman101 (
6. Zawadx (
7. qwerter (
8. Fippe94 (
9. Frozengaia (
10. andretimpa ( 8) )
11. ji412jo (
12. ddevans96 (