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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg148828#msg148828
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2010, 01:34:10 am »
can we have a murder story :p

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg148829#msg148829
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2010, 01:35:10 am »
You have one.

Gl1tch was hacked.

Instead of being "killed" like last time, accounts will be "banned".


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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg148834#msg148834
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2010, 01:42:33 am »
I probably will. I'm not making guesses until I actually have something to base them on :)
I'm not playing. I'm just posting to tell people not to do this anymore. It's annoying, and it's spam. Contrary to popular belief, spamming in the games section is still spam.

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg148996#msg148996
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2010, 01:36:28 pm »
I'll play. But we do need a story now. Like last time, you posted a story everyday. And the villain is a Master, right?

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg148999#msg148999
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2010, 01:49:34 pm »
Gl1tch himself.
There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg149241#msg149241
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2010, 01:08:40 am »
ScaredGirl:  Attention masters:
I've made this thread in the dojo to address the threat we received yesterday.
Xinef:  Are you going to get rid of that?
ScaredGirl:  It appears as though I can't.
Terroking:  So now what?
ScaredGirl:  Well... I looked into it, and it appears I CAN ban all of you.  Which means, since the message claims to be from a master, that one of you is our culprit, and I can ban one of you.  The question is which.
Xdude:  Sweet!  I love mindgames.
Antagon:  And, apparently, getting banned.
Xdude:  ...
Antagon:  But don't worry, they didn't hack me.  They couldn't hack a grand master.  Hey, ladies!  Who has two thumbs and likes to party?!
Mr. Blonde:  Perhaps we should take a more logical approach
Xdude:  I agree.
Mr. Blonde:  Let's start with something simple.  Where were you all last night at the time of the message?
Icybraker:  I was just checking all the new posts.  I've been gone for a while, and...
Unit:  I was grinding with my dive deck.
Miniwally:  I was thinking of entering into the poetry contest.  I'm thinking of submitting "curse of the dark moon rising in the blood month: Friday the 13th addition
Antagon:  Is that... dark enough for you?
Miniwally:  Surprisingly enough, no.
Mr. Blonde:  I was just putting up my farm for the night before I went to bed.
Terroking:  I was posting in the eRPG.
Zeru:  I was reading the Antagon jokes thread.  Made it kind of ironic cause I beat Antagon.
Antagon:  ONLY because I let you.  Zanz thought my weakness was my inability to lose...
Scaredgirl:  *facepalm*
JumbaLumba:  I was running the tournament.
Xdude:  I was in the tournament.
Antagon:  You were losing the tournament.
Xinef:  I was winning the tournament.
Antagon: ...
Essence:  I was putting my baby to bed.
ScaredGirl:  And Gl1tch was getting hacked.  So... we have nothing.
Terroking:  And I have Terroking's account.  Another one bites the dust SG, another master succumbs to my revenge.
ScaredGirl:  Ah HA!  So you ARE a master.  I made some modifications to the dojo, only I and the masters could possibly get in.  You mark my words I'll catch you, and I'll track your IP, walk in your house, and personally shove your face through your monitor.
Terroking:  Catch me if you can, sweet cheecks.


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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg149247#msg149247
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2010, 01:14:27 am »
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg149264#msg149264
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2010, 01:32:29 am »
Scaredgirl:  *facepalm*
JumbaLumba:  I was running the tournament.
Xdude:  I was in the tournament.
Antagon:  You were losing the tournament.
Xinef:  I was winning the tournament.
Antagon: ...
This was the funniest part IMO :P

Anyways, I have some ideas, but I'll analyze this more later.
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Offline killsdazombies

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg149270#msg149270
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2010, 01:40:05 am »
this is a statement / guess.

and a question
Is this based off of anything? lets look at the first master fight, who lost to terroking, lets look at who lost to gl1tch. I know that essence lost to gl1tch, but did he lose to terroking?

Lets break down the first killing/haxing.

ScaredGirl:  Attention masters:
I've made this thread in the dojo to address the threat we received yesterday. - Us

Xinef:  Are you going to get rid of that? - first to talk, 1/10 suspicious points

ScaredGirl:  It appears as though I can't.

Terroking:  So now what? - dead

ScaredGirl:  Well... I looked into it, and it appears I CAN ban all of you.  Which means, since the message claims to be from a master, that one of you is our culprit, and I can ban one of you.  The question is which.

Xdude:  Sweet!  I love mindgames. - not very suspicious

Antagon:  And, apparently, getting banned. - accusation 1/10

Xdude:  ... -nothing

Antagon:  But don't worry, they didn't hack me.  They couldn't hack a grand master.  Hey, ladies!  Who has two thumbs and likes to party?! - a joke/bragging 2/10

Mr. Blonde:  Perhaps we should take a more logical approach - the leader is never suspected 1/10

Xdude:  I agree. - quick to agree 1/10

Mr. Blonde:  Let's start with something simple.  Where were you all last night at the time of the message? - same as the first. 1.5/10

Icybraker:  I was just checking all the new posts.  I've been gone for a while, and... not alive so gl1tch would not likely use him, without permission. still gl1tch is tricky. .5/10

Unit:  I was grinding with my dive deck. - grinding is boring 1/10

Miniwally:  I was thinking of entering into the poetry contest.  I'm thinking of submitting "curse of the dark moon rising in the blood month: Friday the 13th addition - specific awnser. to the dot. 0/10

Antagon:  Is that... dark enough for you? - more anger 3/10

Miniwally:  Surprisingly enough, no. - a joke. 1/10

Mr. Blonde:  I was just putting up my farm for the night before I went to bed. - mrblonde has a permanent farm 1.5/10

Terroking:  I was posting in the eRPG. - hacked (a spelling error, could be a clue)

Zeru:  I was reading the Antagon jokes thread.  Made it kind of ironic cause I beat Antagon. - joke. 1/10

Antagon:  ONLY because I let you.  Zanz thought my weakness was my inability to lose... 4/10 more bragging/joke/anger.

Scaredgirl:  *facepalm*

JumbaLumba:  I was running the tournament. - almost never active, really only for tournaments, believable. 0/10

Xdude:  I was in the tournament. - bragging 2/10

Antagon:  You were losing the tournament. 5/10 more anger

Xinef:  I was winning the tournament. bragging 2/10

Antagon: ...

Essence:  I was putting my baby to bed. my reason from the top. 5/10

ScaredGirl:  And Gl1tch was getting hacked.  So... we have nothing.

Terroking:  And I have Terroking's account.  Another one bites the dust SG, another master succumbs to my revenge. hacked

ScaredGirl:  Ah HA!  So you ARE a master.  I made some modifications to the dojo, only I and the masters could possibly get in.  You mark my words I'll catch you, and I'll track your IP, walk in your house, and personally shove your face through your monitor.

Terroking:  Catch me if you can, sweet cheecks. hacked

antagon 5/10 (antagon did NOT post where he was (miniwally) 8/10)
essence 5/10
Xinef 2/10
Xdude 2/10
Jumbla 0/10
Zeru 1/10
Mrblonde 1.5/10
miniwally 1/10
Unit 1/10
Icybreaker .5/10


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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg149274#msg149274
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2010, 01:43:07 am »
Just noticed Antagon was the only one not to post where he was.

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg149281#msg149281
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2010, 01:50:52 am »
Hm...you have a good point. He would be a prime suspect, but kills said it himself...Gl1tch is tricky.

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Re: Another Murder Mystery by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11999.msg149282#msg149282
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2010, 01:51:08 am »
wow great point.
8/10 for antagon.

