It's time for a murder mystery number two! The wonderful game where one master starts picking off the other ones one by one, and you, the hero, has to figure out who it is. You'll get points based upon what correct leaps of logic you make, and how quickly you solve the murder. The winner is awesome. So, without further ado, it's time for the murder to begin.
You are ScaredGirl. You log onto the forum to find an... odd... message to say the least. In the news section, in a thread you cannot delete or edit, there is a post that shouldn't be there. There's something wrong about it. Something very wrong.
Gl1tch: I have hacked Gl1tch's account. I will hack one master's account per day as vengeance. I have been angered with all of you for a long time. All of the masters. The war is not over.
My revenge is at hand.
You find you cannot ban him. You find that Gl1tch's IP address has been altered. And lastly, you find someone attempted to gain access to administrator passwords last night. Someone you need to ban. Soon.