And now without further ado, the answer!
Round 10! FINAL ROUND!
Kami tore through the cabin on top of that mountain, searching frantically, until he came across Jumba, holding a knife.
"You MONSTER" he screamed.
"WAIT!" screamed Jumba, "STOP! THINK! Remember at the start, how everyone split up to investigate? You were with a partner, I know you didn't do it. I trust you. I'll put the knife down."
And with that, Jumba lowered his weapon and Kami calmed down.
"Listen," said Jumba, "Both Terro and I were partnerless that day, so either one of us could have committed that murder. But let's look at the next ones. The first murder, Gl1tch's murder, we don't remember anything about the night before. But after the next one, it was TERRO who first suspected murder. TERRO who knew it wasn't an accident. TERRO who's the killer."
"I'm listening," said Kami, calming down.
"And the next murder!" said Jumba, "wasn't it Terro who pointed the finger at xdude? When everyone else was busy mourning, he had his mind on accusations? Xdude was blamed until his death, but Terro? No one remembered that sly little move.
"And the next day?" asked Kami, "when you pulled a similarly sly move that got Jmizzle locked away?"
"That..." said Jumba, quieter, "that was my mistake. I don't know how he did that one."
"Lucky for you," said Kami, "I do. Later that day I even told Puppy, if it were me, I would've retied the knot while the rope was in a pile. And that's what either you, or Terro, could've done. But the next murder was done by Unit. He was the one with a key. I'm the one who locked him away!
"BUT!" said Jumba, "You fail to see the three-shell monty."
"The what?!" asked Kami.
"It's an old Carni's trick. You know the shell game, with the coin hidden under one of three shells?"
"Yea..." said Kami, "so?"
"Well that game only makes a profit because of the three-shell monty. It relies on the viewer making up rules that were never established. The carny simply slides the coin out from under the shells, and hides it under the table. In essence, hiding it under a fourth shell."
Realization hit Kami like a flash flood.
"No one ever said there were only three shells, just like no one ever said there were only two keys!"
"Exactly!" said Jumba, "and we didn't find it, because Terro was smart enough to hide his key other than in his pockets! And the next murder? Terro did RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! We watched him kill Puppy! We should have cuffed him right then! But we locked him in with Unit, who figured out how either you or I could've done the crime. And when Terro found out about Unit's theory, he framed one of us, using that key we didn't know he had. He snuck out of the locked room, grabbed the knife, stabbed xdude, and feigned sleep."
"Turning us against each other..." said Kami, "Meaning no one was paying attention to him!"
"And then all he had to do was kill xdude. He had us locked away, but even if we broke out, we were so busy blaming each other we never thought to blame him!"
Kami's mouth opened in shock.
"So you believe me?" said Jumba.
But that was the last thing he said.
Terro had heard their fighting, and since Jumba was no longer armed, he was easy prey.
Kami turned to run.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are," teased Terro. "You've got nowhere to run, we're locked in."
"Why?!" asked Kami, throwing his voice to confuse Terro.
"Because!" said Terro dramatically, stabbing where Kami had thrown his voice to and hitting nothing, "Gl1tch angered me that night. Him, the new guy, sitting there disciplining me. He was suggesting cards for elements other than his own, and he was voted out anyway! What gave him the right to be at this summit! And when I voiced my opinion, admittedly gruffly, he snapped. So, I killed him. The guy needed to learn his place, and not insult people when they're drunk. The first one was an accident. But Coinich figured it out. He found the wet mop, he was going to find where I mopped up the bloodstains, I had to kill him. And then Essence, found the mop. And then Bloodshadow so kindly pointed out to everyone how I was a suspect. I knew if we escaped I'd go to jail, so I made a slip knot to stop everyone from leaving. I didn't mean for Icy to die. But by that point I realized I was going to be caught. Unless I killed enough people to frame someone at the very end. And that someone is you," said Terro, laughing. And with that, he splashed some blood on himself and greeted ScaredGirl as she walked in the hotel...GOOD ENDING UNLOCKED!I'm stuck between Terro, Kami and Jumba. I'm going for Terro.
The murderer was caught by Hobnob, one of two people who ever accused Terro. The second, Jumba, did so a round too late. Hobnob solved the murder before unit died, so without further ado...
"Police," said ScaredGirl, "Arrest this murderer."
"What?!" said Terro, "I didn't kill anyone! It was Kami!"
"We were listening at the door," said Zanz, grimacing, "we heard your grim confession."
"GUYS!" screamed Scyther, "Jumba is alive! I think Unit might still be okay too. He's been bleeding for a while, but if we hurry we should be able to save him!"
"...I'm alive too," said Kami stepping from the shadows.
"NO!" said Terro, diving for the knife he had framed Kami with. But Kami punched him in the face, twice, before the police arrested him.
"Feels good," said Kami.
"Punching Terro?" said ScaredGirl.
"Being safe."
"Well, at least we learned something," continued ScaredGirl, "you guys take this card game WAY too seriously."WINNER: HOBNOB!
Second place: Jumbalumba
Third place: miniwally (For his correct deciphering of the opening dialogue.)The opening dialogue!
"Hey guys, we're starting the new card talks, right? Is everyone here?" ZANZ
"Yea Zanz, this is everyone. You, me, Scyther, and the twelve masters." SCARED GIRL
"Alright. Well... what ideas do you have?" ZANZ
"Well, I noticed my element didn't have any kill spells, so I was thinking something like this" GL1TCH
"Yea, but don't you think your element should be devoid of kill spells? Killing really doesn't fit the theme..." TERRO
"Still, damage spells are a vital part of any element." GL1TCH
"But you've already got the best anti-immortal card in the game! What more do you want?" TERRO (NOTE: Burrow ALSO gives you immortal cards!)
"I dunno, I just thought this card would have good synergy." GL1TCH
"Well, your element isn't the only one without any damage spells. Like mine for instance" TERRO
"And mine. Heck, my element doesn't really have any spells except for one." PUPPY (Precog is more like a placeholder, and has only been used to see your opponents deck in one deck posted by ScaredGirl AFTER the event started)
"Then what do you recommend?" ZANZ
"This card has amazing synergy with the rest of my element, and it'll help with the defensive aspect" PUPPY
"Yea... but that has nothing to do with your element." GL1TCH
"Sure it does, look at all the synergies!" PUPPY
"Yea, but that looks like a card that belongs in water." GL1TCH (Both time and water have stall cards. So does Earth, but I was being tricky)
"It's better than yours." PUPPY
"Excuse me?! What does that mean?" GL1TCH
"I'm saying this is at least better than your crappy suggestion." PUPPY
"Yea, but that isn't saying much of anything." TERRO
"Oh, like you've had any good ideas. You've been argumentative the whole time we've been here." GL1TCH
"Let's move on to a different element." ZANZ
"Alright Zanz, what do you guys think of this? My element's creatures were all so vanilla, I thought this would be good." COINICH
"Um, what's the point of that card?" XDUDE
"Well, since light has holy flash, I thought this would be a good balance." COINICH
"It's a situational version of lobotomize. Heck, what were you going to target with it anyway? Won't your element just kill everything first?" XDUDE
"It's just an idea..." COINICH
"Well it's a stupid one. And it's really underpowered" XDUDE
"Harsh..." TERRO
"Look who's talking!" GL1TCH
"... Let's try this again. Does anyone have any constructive ideas?" ZANZ
"Err, yea. I've had this idea for a while now Zanz. My elements been really mono-tonal, I thought this would spice things up." UNIT
"Umm, you've already got a damage spell. Hasn't my element been nerfed enough already?" ICY
"Yea, but it fits with the elements theme." UNIT
"I don't understand why this work work logically. That doesn't seem like it would have any effect..." ICY
"Yea. I just look at the card description, doesn't it seem like a paradox?" TERRO
"But flooding works!" UNIT
"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you about that. Why does flooding work?" TERRO
"Huh? I wasn't listening..." ESSENCE
"Some master you are." TERRO
"And what does that mean?" ESSENCE
"You weren't even paying attention!" TERRO
"Back to the card at hand please." ZANZ
"I thought we already shot down the idea. It doesn't work." ICY
"Who died and made you king? We're supposed to vote. I mean, even if it's a dumb idea..." TERRO
"Screw you!" UNIT
"No, I agree. This card is illogical and shouldn't even be voted on." BLOOD
"Do you have a better option?" ZANZ
"Actually yes, but I wanted to save it for last." BLOOD
"Alright, I guess I'll go. Hows this?" KAMI
"Erm, that's better than your dragon. I didn't think that was allowed..." JUMBA
"Yea, but you've got stuff bigger than dragons." KAMI
"Not really, it's only got one attack." JUMBA
"And this only has one defense!" KAMI
"But look at it! You might as well name the card 'glass cannon'" JUMBA
"Shall we vote then?" KAMI
"Fine..." JUMBA
"Ha! 8 yes 7 no! I knew it would get passed" KAMI
"Yea, but zanz voted no, so it's out." JUMBA
"Since when?!" KAMI
"Since zanz was zanz." JUMBA
"Pfft, because that makes sense." KAMI
"Just because you can't make sense of it..." JUMBA
"Will you two shut up?! You, it's a dumb idea. You, it's voted in. End. Of. Story." TERRO
"I've had it with your attitude." JMIZZLE
"Excuse me?" TERRO
"Seriously. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything." JMIZZLE
"Alright captain constructive, what do you have in mind for a card." TERRO
"Well, since my element already has a lot of cards, and it just got a new one, I thought I'd wait until next time before suggesting something." JMIZZLE
"Yea. Great constructiveness. Really shows why you're the master." TERRO
"Well, does anyone else have anything? I did say I wanted to go last." BLOOD
"Looks like your the last one. Go ahead." ZANZ
"Alright Zanz, here's the idea." BLOOD
"Oh yea! I made a thread about this." GL1TCH (this was in reference to 'WITHER BEAST' which was recently made on the forums. Senseless self-promotion FTW. Even without knowing about that thread, you could still figure out this dialogue)
"Wait, why are you making threads about his element? And why are you using cards suggested by a different master?" TERRO
"Because it's a good card..." BLOOD
"Yea, but you should have thought of it." TERRO
"You know what, I've had it with you. You just can't let stop whining can you." GL1TCH
"You're the new guy, you don't know what you're talking about. TERRO
"I know more about elements than you! All you've done is whine." GL1TCH
"That's IT! Until you guys get your acts together, we're locking you in. Scyther, Zanz, let's go." SCAREDGIRL
I hope you guys enjoyed playing! I certainly had fun. If you have ANY questions about how you were supposed to figure this out, feel free to ask! But, if no one has anything else to say, feel free to move this thread into the finished forum games section. And remember, don't piss off Terro while drunk.