Kami walked down the stairs and stabbed the middle of the room with a dagger.
"Look Jumba," he said, "I'm tired. I want sleep. If you're going to kill me, do it already. But no this, there is absolutely NO ONE else who could be the killer if I die."
Jumba opened his mouth, closed it, and then nodded, his confidence returning.
"The same goes to you."
Jumba and Kami slept through the night. Upstairs, however, things weren't going so well.
xdude was still crawling towards his corner, unit still swore he didn't do it, and Terroking seemed to be going through shock. "You don't still have that key, do you?" unit asked, staring at where Puppy's corpse had been. "I know unit has the other one."
"Shut UP!" screamed Unit. "I TOLD you I didn't kill anyone. Kami took the key anyway."
"Everything's so quiet without you," said xdude, "but at least I have you to keep me company."
"He's.... dead" said Terro, quietly.
"We're all dead. I'm dead, you're dead, there's a killer on the loose."
"Kami and Jumba aren't dead. They can't have done it. And neither can I," pointed out Terro.
"Wait a minute," said unit, suddenly excited, "yes you could have! None of us were awake all night, the murderer could have unlocked the door and put the key back!"
xdude snapped. "No. I woke as soon as Jmizzle was stabbed. He died in my arms."
"How would the killer manage to kill someone and return the key so quickly?" asked Terro.
"They didn't have to! They just had to unlock the door! Once it was unlocked, they could return the key, and come back with a knife or something. That way they could frame me!" said unit.
"Well, that means anyone could have done it," said Terro, sighing.
"I think Jumba did it," said unit, turning over to sleep. "We three are the only innocent ones."
"Well, you two" pointed out Terro. "I'm not smart enough to have figured that out, but I guess that convicts me too."
"It's okay," said unit smiling, "you came into the murderer's den willingly. I mean, xdude's crazy, and you voluntarily sleep in here? Naw. I think it's Jumba. Tomorrow I'll kick his ass."
With lights out, the group slumbered.
Sometime that night, however, unit awoke. It wasn't a noise that woke him, it was the absence. For when he woke, the door to the room was wide open, and the knife Kami had slammed in the floor downstairs was protruding from between xdudes laughing eyes.