"Guys, seriously, it wasn't me" said Unit, sounding the sanest among those left.
"I was right there," said xdude, still crawling towards his corner, "I could have been next..."
"GUYS! I am asking you to trust me. I didn't do it."
"But can we trust you?" asked xdude.
"You know what murderers get, right?" said PuppyChow.
"...What...?" asked unit.
"The death penalty." said Puppy, coldly.
"What are you saying?" asked unit, turning to run.
"I'm afraid I can't let you leave, murderer," said Puppy, blocking his escape.
"Chow, this is a bit far..." said Kami
"You seem really willing to kill, how do we know it isn't you?!" screeched Unit.
"Because I don't have a key," said Puppy, stepping closer.
"Chow, you can't do this," said Kami, moving to stop him.
"I have to"
And with that, PuppyChow leapt upon unit, trying to strangle him. The fight was long and grueling, until Puppy had him in a slight choke hold. And then something happened no one expected.
Terro punched Puppy in the back of the head. Hard.
"PUP! Pull yourself together. We're better than this!" he screamed.
Pup didn't answer.
"Chow? Are you okay?" ask Terro.
But he was talking to a corpse.
Unit and Terro were locked in the bedroom, and despite his protests, xdude was as well. Many tears were shed, before Kami and Jumba descended down the stairs. Jumba's old confidence, gone.