"Alright, rise and shine people, we are getting out of here." Jmizzle called.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" asked Jumbalumba, groggily.
"Look, I got the idea a couple of days ago. Remember how Coinich died?"
"How could we forget?" said Terroking, looking slightly pale at the subject.
"Look, the point is, there's a window out of here. If we got a ladder or something we could climb down!" revealed Jmizzle, looking excited.
"There aren't any ladders in this joint" pointed out Jumbalumba.
"But there ARE bedsheets! said Jmizzle, revealing his final plan.
"You think they'll reach?" asked Jumba, still skeptical.
"They'll have to" said Kami, grimly.
The group quickly and excitedly tied all the bedsheets together. Throwing the rope out the window, they easily had several yards to spare.
"Alright guys, I'm going first" cried Icy excitedly, dropping out of the window.
The first knot in the rope was a slipknot, and the sheets quickly fell. Icy landed on top of Coinich, snapping his back on the protruding leg. Still awake, still able to scream, he lay paralyzed on top of the mountain. But with all the sheets on the ground beside him, there was no way to even attempt a rescue. The group silently and solemnly closed the window. Icy's screams weren't drowned out by the wall.
Jumbalumba was the first to speak. "You're the one who tied that knot."
"Who. Me?!" said Jmizzle, nervously.
"What are you so nervous about?" asked Jumba, calm raging.
"I... I'm not..." Jmizzle.
"It HAD to be you. Otherwise the slipknot could have been at the other end." said Jumba, confidently.
"Unless there was a knot at both ends," pointed out xdude.
"So the murderer speaks!" shouted Jmizzle, happy for the blame to be on someone else.
"You know what? We don't know which one of you did it. So we'll lock you in the bedroom together." said Jumba, smiling.
They both screamed at the same time. It was impossible to discern the exact wording, but they both shouted something along the lines of "Don't lock me in with that murderer!"
"We'll know who's innocent tomorrow" said Jumba, his grin now showing teeth.
As the group slammed them into the bedroom together, Kami walked over to PuppyChow.
"You know, if I were the killer, I would've redone the knots while they were in the pile by the window."
"What are you saying?" asked Puppy, looking slightly green.
"I'm saying the safest room in this place is where we just locked our 'prime suspects'."
(Authors note: The order of the murders was totally a coincidence, and I didn't kill you off because you posted here. Honest.)