"Guys, calm down." says Bloodshadow, not looking too terribly calm himself.
"You calm down! Three of us are dead!!" says Unit.
"Look at the facts. Whoever the culprit is, he's only killed one person per day," counters Bloodshadow.
"He killed two people yesterday!" says Unit.
"No, he waited until early this morning to kill Essence, I can almost guarantee it." states Blood.
"Aright genius, got any other theories?!" quips Unit, pacing nervously.
"Yes. Yes I do. Puppy and I are innocent, as are Jmizzle and Icy, unit and Kami"
"While I am innocent," says Jmizzle, "and I am, I ask how you can jump to such a conclusion."
"When Coinich was killed, the group had split up. But Puppy and I stayed together, as did you and Icy. Unless two people are in on it, then we can't have committed the murder."
"Unless two people ARE in on it." says xdude.
"Why would you say that?" asks Blood.
"Look! No one here has been killed the same way! Gl1tch was stabbed, Essence, suffocated..."
"And Coinich?!" asks Blood. The entire group looks at xdude suspiciously.
"...we don't know." xdude says, quietly.
"Or do you?" continues Bloodshadow. "Where were you when you said you were checking out Gl1tch's room?!"
"In his room! Like I said! The floor was wet..."
"The floor was wet?" asks kami, "didn't Essence say the mop was wet too?"
"" asks Terroking.
"Well, if the floor was wet, then Gl1tch wasn't murdered where we found him. Someone dragged him there from his room. Unit and I noticed the stairs were wet too..." continues Kami
"GUYS!" screams Puppychow from elsewhere, "I found Coinich!"
The group rushes to the attic of the cabin, where Puppy points to a window. Coinich's leg is visible protruding from the snow.
"Well what do you know," says Bloodshadow, "not only does xdude not have an alibi, but he was near the scene of the crime!"
"You seem to be making a lot of wild accusations for an innocent man," points out xdude.
"Alright, alright. But I guarantee you tomorrow, xdude will be alive. Meanwhile, I'm going to be sleeping somewhere secret, somewhere locked. Know that if I'm not alive tomorrow, it will be xdude's fault."
That night, the cabin awakes to the sound of screaming. xdude is standing by the basement door.
"Guys! Bloodshadow locked himself in the basement, and someone is flooding it! Help me get this door down!"
Everyone pounds and pounds, but ten minutes later, the door stands firm and the screaming stops. A grim mood falls on everyone.
"Hey xdude," begins Terro, "how did you know Blood was down here?"
"I... I tried to apologize."
"Or you tried to kill him!" Terro retorts.
"No! It couldn't have been me. I was here when the water turned on. Someone else must have done it." says xdude, sounding exasperated.
"Guys, we all need rest" says Jmizzle, "and tomorrow, we're getting out of here. One way or another."