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A Murder Mystery! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57511#msg57511
« on: April 22, 2010, 12:17:42 pm »
A Murder Mystery!
by Gl1tch

The game!
A murder mystery!  The point of the game is to guess who's murdering everyone.  Each day/round, a new post will be added with one more victim.  If you successfully guess the murderer first, you win.

The rules!
You may guess the murderer at any time.  However, if you ever guess incorrectly, you lose the game with zero points.  Should two people both correctly guess the murderer in the same day/round, a tie breaker will be based upon points.  Points are not public, not known to anyone, and will be awarded based off of solving puzzles.  Ientifying motive, proving someone innocent, or deciphering a clue could all earn you points.  Guessing correctly first still trumps points.

The story!
You work for a skiing company, and it is your job to clean the cabin at the top of the ski hill.  Every morning at 8:00 you arrive and go about your duties largely unnoticed, leaving again at 5:00 in the evening.  There are currently fifteen people staying in the cabin, and they are certainly an odd bunch.  You had just shut the door of the cabin, preparing to head home, when you heard shouting from inside.
"Hey guys, we're starting the new card talks, right?  Is everyone here?"
"Yea Zanz, this is everyone.  You, me, Scyther, and the twelve masters."
"Alright.  Well... what ideas do you have?"
"Well, I noticed my element didn't have any kill spells, so I was thinking something like this"
"Yea, but don't you think your element should be devoid of kill spells?  Killing really doesn't fit the theme..."
"Still, damage spells are a vital part of any element."
"But you've already got the best anti-immortal card in the game!  What more do you want?"
"I dunno, I just thought this card would have good synergy."
"Well, your element isn't the only one without any damage spells.  Like mine for instance"
"And mine.  Heck, my element doesn't really have any spells except for one."
"Then what do you recommend?"
"This card has amazing synergy with the rest of my element, and it'll help with the defensive aspect"
"Yea... but that has nothing to do with your element."
"Sure it does, look at all the synergies!"
"Yea, but that looks like a card that belongs in water."
"It's better than yours."
"Excuse me?!  What does that mean?"
"I'm saying this is at least better than your crappy suggestion."
"Yea, but that isn't saying much of anything."
"Oh, like you've had any good ideas.  You've been argumentative the whole time we've been here."
"Let's move on to a different element."
"Alright Zanz, what do you guys think of this?  My element's creatures were all so vanilla, I thought this would be good."
"Um, what's the point of that card?"
"Well, since light has holy flash, I thought this would be a good balance."
"It's a situational version of lobotomize.  Heck, what were you going to target with it anyway?  Won't your element just kill everything first?"
"It's just an idea..."
"Well it's a stupid one.  And it's really underpowered"
"Look who's talking!"
"... Let's try this again.  Does anyone have any constructive ideas?"
"Err, yea.  I've had this idea for a while now Zanz.  My elements been really mono-tonal, I thought this would spice things up."
"Umm, you've already got a damage spell.  Hasn't my element been nerfed enough already?"
"Yea, but it fits with the elements theme."
"I don't understand why this work work logically.  That doesn't seem like it would have any effect..."
"Yea.  I just look at the card description, doesn't it seem like a paradox?"
"But flooding works!"
"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you about that.  Why does flooding work?"
"Huh?  I wasn't listening..."
"Some master you are."
"And what does that mean?"
"You weren't even paying attention!"
"Back to the card at hand please."
"I thought we already shot down the idea.  I doesn't work."
"Who died and made you king?  We're supposed to vote.  I mean, even if it's a dumb idea..."
"Screw you!"
"No, I agree.  This card is illogical and shouldn't even be voted on."
"Do you have a better option?"
"Actually yes, but I wanted to save it for last."
"Alright, I guess I'll go.  Hows this?"
"Erm, that's better than your dragon.  I didn't think that was allowed..."
"Yea, but you've got stuff bigger than dragons."
"Not really, it's only got one attack."
"And this only has one defense!"
"But look at it!  You might as well name the card 'glass cannon'"
"Shall we vote then?"
"Ha!  8 yes 7 no!  I knew it would get passed"
"Yea, but zanz voted no, so it's out."
"Since when?!"
"Since zanz was zanz."
"Pfft, because that makes sense."
"Just because you can't make sense of it..."
"Will you two shut up?!  You, it's a dumb idea.  You, it's voted in.  End.  Of.  Story."
"I've had it with your attitude."
"Excuse me?"
"Seriously.  If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."
"Alright captain constructive, what do you have in mind for a card."
"Well, since my element already has a lot of cards, and it just got a new one, I thought I'd wait until next time before suggesting something."
"Yea.  Great constructiveness.  Really shows why you're the master."
"Well, does anyone else have anything?  I did say I wanted to go last."
"Looks like your the last one.  Go ahead."
"Alright Zanz, here's the idea."
"Oh yea!  I made a thread about this."
"Wait, why are you making threads about his element?  And why are you using cards suggested by a different master?"
"Because it's a good card..."
"Yea, but you should have thought of it."
"You know what, I've had it with you.  You just can't let stop whining can you."
"You're the new guy, you don't know what you're talking about.
"I know more about elements than you!  All you've done is whine."
"That's IT!  Until you guys get your acts together, we're locking you in.  Scyther, Zanz, let's go."

And with that, three people departed from the mountain along with you.  And in the morning, when you returned....

Gl1tch lay slain.

Who could have done such a thing?  Someone needs to stop them.  Can you?

(Note: all text and plot is completely fictional and would never happen)
╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.

Offline Demagog

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Re: A Murder Mystery! ~ Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57513#msg57513
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 12:29:01 pm »
Exporting it to word... I'll try to have it completely analyzed sometime early tomorrow... I have a paper to do today.

Nicely written by the way. I'm looking forward to this. Hopefully someone doesn't just randomly say a name and win. I'll be sad.

On the off chance that happens, mind not revealing the answer for awhile?

Edit: Kami, can you save it as a .doc and upload it? My word program crashes when I try to paste into it....

Edit2: Never mind, apparently it was just a problem with the font... I quoted you then copied the text from the reply box and it copied over fine.

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Re: A Murder Mystery! ~ Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57522#msg57522
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 12:57:16 pm »
hey, all elements have at least 2 spells, the information is INCORRECT!

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Re: A Murder Mystery! ~ Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57526#msg57526
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2010, 01:17:01 pm »
and is there rly any way to find it? It seems impossible except i know 1 person who DIDN'T DO IT.

Offline Glitch

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Re: A Murder Mystery! ~ Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57682#msg57682
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2010, 07:25:38 pm »
hey, all elements have at least 2 spells, the information is INCORRECT!

Day two!!!
You run inside to see the scene.  Gl1tch's body is face down with a kitchen knife in the front.  The look on his face is one of anxiety, as though he was suspecting something painful.
"Alright," says someone who identifies themselves as xdude, "we've got to figure this out.  Who here remembers what happened last night?"
No one raises their hand.
"Uhh... Gl1tch was the one who was supposed to stay sober...." says someone named Essence, clearly hung over.
"Alright, everyone split up, look for clues.  There's got to be a reason Gl1tch was wandering the night, otherwise he wouldn't have been killed here.  I'll check his room." says xdude again.  Everyone begins speaking at once.
"I got the stairway" says someone named unit.
"I'll go with him" says someone identifying themselves as Kami.
"This is a knife from the kitchen, right?  I'm going to check there," says Terroking.
"Jumba and I are going to try and contact Scaredgirl, Zanz, and Syther" says someone named Jmizzle
"I'll look for clues here" says someone named Bloodshadow, and PuppyChow nods.
"I'm gonna go check any closets, or places where you'd hide things" says Coinich.  "I'll be at the supply closet."

No one returns having found anything.  Coinich doesn't return alive.

End of day two.


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Re: A Murder Mystery! ~ Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57704#msg57704
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2010, 08:00:31 pm »
Ok this is confusing all I've seen is

"I don't understand why this work work logically.  That doesn't seem like it would have any effect..."
Double repeat of the word work (any significance?).

Jumba (Gravity): "Erm, that's better than your dragon.  I didn't think that was allowed..."
"Yea, but you've got stuff bigger than dragons."
Jumba (Gravity): "Not really, it's only got one attack."
"And this only has one defense!"
Jumba (Gravity) "But look at it!  You might as well name the card 'glass cannon'"
Probably Jumba unless if he was lying. Armagio is bigger than his dragon (unless upgraded)

Gl1tch (Life) (Dead): "You know what, I've had it with you.  You just can't let stop whining can you."
"You're the new guy, you don't know what you're talking about.
Gl1tch (Life) (Dead):"I know more about elements than you!  All you've done is whine."
New guy is why I think it's Gl1tch.

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Re: A Murder Mystery! ~ Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57735#msg57735
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2010, 08:43:32 pm »
Ok this is confusing all I've seen is

"I don't understand why this work work logically.  That doesn't seem like it would have any effect..."
Double repeat of the word work (any significance?).
No.  Just a typo.


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Re: A Murder Mystery! ~ Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg57741#msg57741
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2010, 08:46:29 pm »
Ok this is confusing all I've seen is

"I don't understand why this work work logically.  That doesn't seem like it would have any effect..."
Double repeat of the word work (any significance?).
No.  Just a typo.
You said no mistakes :P

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Re: A Murder Mystery! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg58167#msg58167
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2010, 07:22:40 pm »
Day three!!!

"Guys... I don't think we can pretend this was an accident anymore..." says Terroking.
"What do you mean?" xdude responds.
"I think Glitch was murdered"
A silence falls over the room.
"Look, one death is weird, but coinich hasn't come back..."
"Are you saying he won't?!" snaps Jmizzle.
"I'm just saying we should be more careful from now on."
"Look, in the morning we can send out a search party.  What was Coinich searching for before anyway?"
"Err, he said he was going to check out the supply closets." says unit.
"Well, if Terroking is right, doesn't that mean the murderer is hiding something in the supply closets?" says PuppyChow
The group checks it out.
"Hey!  I see something!  That mop is wet!" shouts Essence.
"Uh.... okay?  Aren't mops supposed to be wet?" counters Jmizzle.
"You're really angry J, are you okay?" asks Terroking.
"What?  What are you looking at me like that for?  I'm just stressed out!"
"Fine.  We're all stressed out.  Let's get some rest."

The entire group goes to bed.  Essence doesn't wake up.



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Re: A Murder Mystery! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg58205#msg58205
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2010, 09:26:32 pm »
Someone wake Essence up.

Okay, I'm getting closer. Let's just hope I can figure this out before I get killed. If you kill me off, Gl1tch, I swear, I will reenact this mystery. ;)

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Re: A Murder Mystery! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg58206#msg58206
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2010, 09:27:59 pm »
So you'll have glitch kill you? :-p

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Re: A Murder Mystery! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5651.msg58242#msg58242
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2010, 11:56:11 pm »
Oh boy... I probably won't win, but I like logic games, so I'll at least provide clues to those who want to 'solve' the mystery. ;)

"Well, I noticed my element didn't have any kill spells, so I was thinking something like this"
"Yea, but don't you think your element should be devoid of kill spells?  Killing really doesn't fit the theme..."
"Still, damage spells are a vital part of any element."
"But you've already got the best anti-immortal card in the game!  What more do you want?"
"I dunno, I just thought this card would have good synergy."
"Well, your element isn't the only one without any damage spells.  Like mine for instance"
"And mine.  Heck, my element doesn't really have any spells except for one."
The first person speaking is the Master of :life (Gl1tch), because the quote, "Killing really doesn't fit the theme" implies the OPPOSITE of life (living than killing). It can be confirmed that the "Still, damage spells are a vital part of any element", which implies moreso that Life does not have any spell that causes direct damage for the opponent. Furthermore, the "But you've already got the best anti-immortal card in the game!" suggests that the second person counterpointing the idea is the Master of  :aether (icybreaker), due to the amount of immortal creatures it has (earth could be suggested due to burrowers, but that seems very unlikely as it has other creatures it relies on).

It is therefore suggested that Gl1tch's initial suggestion has caused tension in the group, and thus his demise.

"Well, your element isn't the only one... And Mine." - The following elements have some sort of damaging spell:
 :fire :water :darkness :aether: Fire Bolt/Ice Lance/Drain Life/Thunderbolt
 :light :death :air : Thunderstorm, poisons (aflatoxin) and Holy Light (damage towards darkness creatures) - these are all damaging spells towards the monster cards, and not specifically towards a player
 :entropy :gravity: Mutation/Gravity Pull - unusual spells that cause indirect damage (killing them outright with a failed mutation, or redirecting creature damage to a target via Gravity Pull)

Therefore,  :earth:life, &  :time would be the only one without any damage spells. Since life is already mentioned above, Earth and Time (respectively; :time only does have Precognition and Rewind, but  :earth has Quicksand/Enchant Artifact/Baslisk's Blood, and if we disregard alchemy cards, then :time has one individual spell) are the next masters.

"This card has amazing synergy with the rest of my element, and it'll help with the defensive aspect"
"Yea... but that has nothing to do with your element."-------"Sure it does, look at all the synergies!"
"Yea, but that looks like a card that belongs in water."------"It's better than yours."
"Excuse me?!  What does that mean?" ----- "I'm saying this is at least better than your crappy suggestion."
Again, the 'better than your crappy suggestion' suggests that Gl1tch was also disagreeing with someone's card, thus causing him to be bait. Note that it can't be Essence, or the Master of  :water, because the last quote implies that the same two people have been discussing the idea to each other than the entire group.

"Yea, but that isn't saying much of anything."
"Oh, like you've had any good ideas.  You've been argumentative the whole time we've been here."
Again, most likely  :aether then  :life getting annoyed. The 'You've been argumentative the whole time' implies that the person was one of the first few people to be speaking when the conversation began, thus, Gl1tch and icybreaker seem to be at odds.

....and that's what I got so far. I'll probably edit this post a little more later, (or post some more clues), but hopefully I'll get points even if I can't solve the mystery.  :D

EDIT: Forgot about alchemy cards/Rewind spell cards.

