I have played the game before these forums went online, visited the old forums from time to time
and thus have seen A LOT of deck-posting (while not posting decks all that much myself).
Recently, a member contacted me and asked whether there are any promising FG-decks using
the new cards out yet. I told him "by far not, because we are way in the gold-rush phase":
Phase1: Gold-rush
First off (=starting right now), everybody and their grandmother will create tons of "new" decks and even more
tons of variations of known decks ... most of that will just be adding a couple new cards to a wellknown deck
and posting it under a grand name in a new topic.
If you ask me, the lion's share of those decks is always just taking shots in the dark.
imho, there is a large difference between
fiddling around and making a serious deck-suggestion in the form of a post.
I guess the reason why all of that try and error is often posted before a possible error has even had a chance
to show is that weird urge to have "invented" a great deck.
There will be no stats to back up the deck-ideas at all, just "seems to work fine", "prolly around 65% winrate"
etc. ... Everybody wants everybody else to ACTUALLY TEST their deck-idea and having
opened the thread first will then be enought to call dibs on the deck and be a great deckbuilder.
This gold-rush does not only apply to FG-decks ... The most ridiculous incident of gold-rush I have seen
was when fractal came out and literally EVERY friggin possible combination was posted, for the very most
part indeed using the same 24 cards + some 6 cards to fractal.
Apparantly there was the assumption that you would become the "great inventor" of the deck and could
"call dibs" on it for all eternity to come and that is exactly what happened numerous times:
"Been done before.", "You just copied XYZs deck ...", "YXZ had the idea first."
Ridiculous! As if it wasn't obvious that you can fractal anything that doesn't cost all too much as a single card.
The next phases are "The sobering" where everything has been called dibs upon and "A new age of
farming" where just a few people finally work out working decks while working hard to do so, and by
"working hard" I mean actually testing and perfecting the decks, taking stats etc.
First, I really think that deck-crafting is about that work-part and totally not about having the idea.If anybody ever "invented" a deck that would be Zanz, because honestly, unless you do find a unique
exploit (which will soon be patched away), it really isn't rocket-science to have a "deck-idea" ... the idea
is rooted in the cards as such, possible synergies are taken into consideration by the developer already.
Second, decks are hardly ever really invented but promoted or made (in an entrepreneural sense).I couldn't count how many good "deck-ideas" I have seen being treated as "deck-help" and consecutively
sinking to the bottom of the deck-section just because it was an unknown member.
And how many completely unoriginal (but perhaps semi-original ;-) ) decks I have seen being treated
as the philosophers stone just because they were posted by a wellknown member.
Decks are made popular for the most part: Who is known, who gets posts, who spams the link in chat ...
he will "get" the deck.
Relating to 1., I would hate to see any kind of rule that makes tons of blitz-posting after a new patch
possible and forbids any further posting of decks that are similar or use roughly the same cards.
I don't think that overactive users users should benefit from any kind of rule that prohibits deck-posting.(Duh, of course there will be gravity mono- and duo- and trio- and rainbow- and gravbow-decks with acceleration
and of course they will have a certain number of towers to pay for all those dragons, destroyers, golems etc.)
E.g., for a FG-deck, it really isn't about posting a Rainbow that features accelerated Destroyers
and be "the inventor" of that "deck-idea" forever. It is about running the deck for a while and stat-wise proving
that it works very well, it is exactly about making those few card-changes that perfect the deck.
The absolute worst case would be if it even were about having the deck-post removed because
"It's been done before -> CCYB by Amilir; reason: you only added acceleration and used a different shield."
Yes, many people will blitzpost everything the second new cards are added to the trainer
and yes, some people come out with a "deck-idea" weeks or months after a certain card came out
and still refine an existing deck-idea to a level that it finally really works
and yes, some people will further go through all the trouble to actually work with their deck, change
cards back and forth and take stats before posting
and yes, some people will go through the trouble to make an extensive post featuring strategy guides,
to update their OP regularly, to give feedback to players who post in their thread etc
and yes, all that work is worth much more than being the blitzpost-dude who "had the idea"
... but did nothing with it.
Relating to 2., I have a feeling that any kind of rule like this would only be to the benefit of
so called "veterans".Decks are promoted, made. Some deck-thread have a very high profile, most don't.
Personally, I wouldn't trust anybody with the job of keeping track of any and every idea
posted to keep a record of "who had it first" no matter how detailed the "math" behind
categorizing decks may be ... even if such a supervisor suceeds, imho, it ends up being
another popularity/community issue and I have all the drama right before my eyes:
Frustrated intermed-player: "But but ... I had the deck-idea first!"
Deck-idea-supervisor: "Really? ... let's see the postings ..."
Vet1: "Actually 24/7-dude had it first when he told us about the deck in chat."
Vet2: "His deck leans on THIS DECK posted a while ago but is different enough to be new.
24/7-dude really knows the rules here whereas your deck is too similar to THAT DECK."
Deck-idea-supervisor: "Well, I must say that intermed-player indeed posted first and he
has a legit claim. You all know the rule: post in forum = you got tha skillz for all eternity ..."
Frustrated intermed-player: "Thank you."
Vet1: "Yeah .. whatever."
Vet3: "Nice job ninjaing the deck intermed."
Vet2: "Probably stole it in chat ... actually saw him there that day."
... and intermeds deck-thread dies a silent death.
The main-reason why the inventor of ice-machines puts a legal claim on it,
is because he wants to sell them under a monopoly.
The second reason is that he wants to be the big-mac with cheese.
If he is self-absorbed enough, he even advertises himself as the inventor
of ice as such ... a bunch of blasphemic and capitalistic horse-dump ...
Elements deck-sections should be art instead ... or at least handicraft.
Imho, "calling dibs" on decks is the logical consequence AND reason for any rule like this
and not the more honorable sounding "getting credit".
You shouldn't get credit for winning a race and being "the one guy who got it first".
You should get credit for putting in work, for working on decks
for making the best of what is already there since release and cannot be re-invented:
The cards and the decks.