Can you do good things and get it back up? Yes. But it isn't as likely; a person is more likely to increase the karma of someone who already has a lot versus someone who has negative.
Are you seriously comparing "going to jail for life" with having -5 Karma? Then I think you might take this thing a bit too seriously.
There's absolutely zero evidence to support the claim that "person is more likely to increase the karma of someone who already has a lot versus someone who has negative". You just made that one up. Many people, including original poster of this thread, have easily bounced back from having negative Karma simply by doing something productive.
Why not compare -Karma to jail? You compared it to "social jail" already. This forum effectively functions as a little model-society which always somehow mirror the larger society we live in ... what else than jail is Karma going to be if we are talking about a comparison already?
As for Puppys thesis: Of course there is evidence ... a ton of it! The mechanisms of stigmatization have long been researched and proven existent and problematic in various social contexts. You can read up on this with Norbert Elias or Erving Goffman for example ... great science!
What Puppy describes here is, what I described as "self-intensifying system of social injustice" in my original post.
Stigma actually does function as marker for repulsion, a "positive stigma" (status-symbol) as marker for attraction: The rich and popular get all the fame, girls, cash and cars which attract even more of those things while the poor and unfortunate get a broken front tooth and a dirty rag for clothing (stigmata) which will sure not get them a job, a good dental insurance, a woman etc. spiralling down.
Even, if I am not a professional game-designer, I at least got some truly professional experience in social sciences and I can assure you:
Any community that installs a system of publicly visible status-symbols and stigmata (their counterpart) wilfully promotes that social dynamic ... It's really just about the oldest trick in the book of societies and even the greatest trust in an upright and "good" community has always been failed, simply because humans are like this.
However, nobody here had -10 yet. The least I've seen was at a guy named Elentier who was doing A LOT of ranting and rule breaking. He was at like -5. After that, he got banned.
But what if, tomorrow, a complete noob comes to the forums. He says something wrong, and then 10 people take it the wrong way and he gets -10 karma. He just rubbed those 10 cool people the wrong way.
Since it can happen, it needs to be addressed.
As long as it doesn't happen, who cares? If it does happen, I'll take care of it. I have access to Karma logs and can remove entries if needed.
But I think you should have some faith in our community. You really think people would give -10 Karma to a noob who "says something wrong"?
I have seen -12 at least once, then never again ... wonder which game he wondered off to. *shrug
But why are you all stuck with that "extraordinarily high" number?
A smaller amount of -Karma is already enough to make you feel really bad as experienced in this forum by various people numerous times ... it does happen, all the time! My whole point against negative Karma is that it doesn't matter whether you "bounce back", "recover" or whatever "saves" that pesky score of yours in the end...
the experience of being branded is NOT funny and it also does NOT feel very encouraging to "improve" oneself ... speaking for myself, it's more like a slight depression that stirs feelings of anger against the community.
While I could take it once and actually stuck around to bounce back, others couldn't:
To name just one example, Pyros for Porno discovered that grinding for cash takes forever after his initial phase of enthousiasm, so I guess he was still kind of a noob was he?
He started a "ranting-thread" about how grinding gods is too hard and boring etc. which imho actually had some really good points. (,4911.40.html)
As usual he got kind of talked down by the regulars, with all that "try harder", "not another rant-thread", "leave if you dont like it" stuff that is always easily said. Then Pyros got called "childish" and more and more people seemed to be against him. He got kind of aggrovated (but not exactly rude!) which I could totally understand ... it was only a matter of time until the first rock (- Karma) flew. Pyros couldn't take it apparently:
He complained about the -Karma and was never seen again ...
For a measly anti-grind-rant ... the regulars favourite "let's bash the noob"- gettogether. You could probably argue that Pyros was indeed childish if he couldn't take this and accept his "mistake".
However, I am arguing that the community was very careless here and willfully drove a nice user out via the Karma-system.
(I actually had a pretty sad part in this, suggesting that -Karma as a totally bitter joke in the first place. Karma failed and the community actually did it.
The only reason someone will continue losing karma is if they continue acting like a jerk. I really have a hard time believing that someone who is tactful, sincere, and mature will suffer by this system.
As stated in the original post "acting like a jerk" and "not having the same opinion" are dangerously close to each other. I also pointed out there that "acting nice" is dangerously close to "sucking up" or "shutting up", since you are talking about sincerity.E.g., I would generally consider myself tactful, sincere and mature, however I do have a tendency to ... well ... let's say be a bit critical about things sometimes. So let's not beat around the bush here when it comes to
SGs earlier real example with person A and B and the card-art: Person A is actually vrt, person B is actually Jangoo, the art is the pharaoh-card which I happen to not like all that much art-wise.
I stated this in the thread in an admittedly somewhat "jerky" way ... guess I didn't have the best day or something. Check out the Pharaoh-thread, boy oh boy you will see I got beat down for this. Needless to say I still wouldn't agree with the fact that I got totally lynched for that post with -4 Karma, two of which called me an "asshole" anonymously, in conjunction with the thread raining verbal destruction on me too ...
if I was a total jerk in that thread, the community didn't prove to be much better than that honestly ... simple and blunt double-retaliation.Now what have I learned from this? Theoretically, to be nicer and if I have to issue critique to issue it as careful as possible.
Practically, I think I actually learned that critique in general, popular artists and the art-section is HOT STONES I don't want to touch again. From now on, I will try very hard to simply watch the shiny happy "well-done-good-work"-parade and shut the hell up whether I actually like some art or not.
It actually took me a bit of courage to make this critical thread too, since (like Glitch said right on top) I already saw that - Karma rolling in for being against something, a party-pooper etc.
While this really doesn't present a problem for my score, that darn score is the actual problem for my sincerity from now on. My actions in this forum feel a lot more limited now which is a personal problem.
Community-wise, you be the judge if even my critique could be worth hearing some times or if the system suceeded perfectly by shutting that Jangoo-nagger up.