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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54538#msg54538
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2010, 01:16:41 am »
Unless there are benefits/consequences for karma, there really isn't any need to worry about it. Give me -10000000000000000 karma, I don't care. Won't stop me from posting whatever I want to.
And this is why there ISN'T a problem with the Karma system. There is no exact prize or punishment for having a certain value of Karma over or under anyone else, besides a potential social stigma that can be overlooked easily based on the quality of their post. After all, am I going to judge them on a potential 2-digit (possibly 3) number? Or should I make my own decision based on their quality of their post (context, organization, intellect, and creativity)?

...if someone says it's the former, then honestly, I don't know what else to say.

However, if there are enough people who simply ask, "What's the point of Karma if there's no real benefit besides social stigma?", then Karma should be changed to give out consequences (good and bad) to those who get an extreme number (say, -50). At that point, someone should look at their posts that have caused severe distress and or disapproval by the community, and if the posts are truly garbage (vulgar, incoherent, 'l337 speak'), then action can be taken. If the posts are simply disagreements (blunt but logical, countering but polite/honest), then the Karma should be ignored to begin with.

So yes, I voted: No, the karma system has no problems, BUT Yes, it does need to change.

...and I've given out only +karma. I've never given anyone -karma, because to me, -karma is the equivalent of a minor/major infraction or ban, listed in the posting guideline I read a long time ago.

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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54560#msg54560
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2010, 03:04:10 am »
to pick one point out of Jangoo's post that I am in favor of: A daily limit on karma giving. 1 karma point per person every 24 (or 12?) hours sounds reasonable to me and I think it would alleviate some of the problems he is addressing, especially with regards to karma spamming. But then I have no idea how common that problem is or whether a daily limit would be irritating to people who actually use the karma system more than once in a blue moon. On all the rest of the debate, well I really don't have an opinion.


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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54571#msg54571
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2010, 03:31:35 am »
I don't like karma. But I don't hate it either.

But I agree that those with negative karma shouldn't be branded as "HEY! I'm unpopular! Disagree with me!". So I propose that every month those with negative karma get "purged". That is, they go back to 0.

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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54615#msg54615
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2010, 05:49:31 am »
If you really want to reform the Karma system, then getting rid of it isn't really the solution. One system i have seen is where members of higher Karma have more ability to affect other members' karma - i.e. more respected members have more say over the system versus someone with litle or negative karma who might be prone to "spamming" neg karma.
What you are describing here is the very definition of a highly elitist, injust society:
All the means of production as well as the supreme power to define opinions and values lie in the hands of a few ... I suggested that the very existence of the Karma score already favours such a society. If even enforced sytematically by special priviledges (like you suggest) this would be a huge leap right into the problems pointed out in the original post.

Another thing, which i thought was in place but apparently i had a misconception, is the 'reason' part of karma. I've only given out Karma once or twice in my last month or two on the forums, and when i did a message appeared, asking me to submit a reason for giving this karma. I assumed that this would be later approved or denied, so that karma would not be given multiple times for the same reason like a pertinent and well liked thread. Was I wrong about that?
Yes, you were wrong about it.
There is a time-limit in place to send Karma-notifications to the same person but this doesn't restrict you to send that person another notification a certain time later (an hour maybe??), over and over again.
As for the approval or denial of your Karma-distribution, the "reason" you have to enter seems currently just in place to at least force you to explain yourself briefly somehow and to think about your action at least once before you make that click.
However, who is going to actually review all those Karma-distributions?
Scaredgirl, Delreich (and who else on this part?) have much, much better things to do than to carefully examine all those Karma-dealouts all the time. I mean, how many of those are there in an day really ... ?
Karma isn't and cannot realistically be reviewed unless you assign extra staff.
For example, I received Karma-notifications containing the "reason" -> "asshole" twice. This shouldn't happen. Also nobody should waste time on preventing it ... that would just be a stupid and tedious but most of all unnecessary work since better solutions are at hand.

...and I've given out only +karma. I've never given anyone -karma, because to me, -karma is the equivalent of a minor/major infraction or ban, listed in the posting guideline I read a long time ago.
Bravooo ... Your action expresses true humbleness.
However, your feeling about negative Karma somewhat contradicts the rest of your post:
Do you really trust random other people in this forum to judge negatively, whereas you yourself are not worthy to hand out "infractions"? Who are those people worthy to scold while you sense something appalling about it?

to pick one point out of Jangoo's post that I am in favor of: A daily limit on karma giving. 1 karma point per person every 24 (or 12?) hours sounds reasonable to me and I think it would alleviate some of the problems he is addressing, especially with regards to karma spamming. But then I have no idea how common that problem is or whether a daily limit would be irritating to people who actually use the karma system more than once in a blue moon. On all the rest of the debate, well I really don't have an opinion.
Yes, an even stricter limit would alleviate some of those problems, merely, which is why I put them under changes to hopefully make "at least" (5b!).
The fact that this would limit/ "irritate" frequent Karma users would be the whole point of this and it would bring the Karma-system a little step closer towards a just (and democratic) system as which Karma is conceived ... as an example-analogy you could say that no matter how much you are involved in politics, you will still only get one vote every 4 years (US-presidential election) - not even sleeping with the president or spending every day in congress will change this fact.

Funny enough, the exact time-span to set here is highly dependend on a real-life/forum-time balance ... setting it to 1 hour will be much in favour of true forum "reg"ulars, setting it to a day will favour a larger group of still quite active people, setting it to a week may already limit the power of active members (too?) significantly ... as Glitch pointed out above any community of "regulars" will be able to simply promote each other with a system like the current Karma system.
Making a choice here is tough and it may certainly require the regulars to make concessions.
In the end, it is about defining the group that is supposed to be an impactful part of the community concerning the Karma system: A 2pm-8pm-online-schoolkid certainly has much more influence than a 9pm-10pm-after-work-and-dinner-with-family-adult if the system were to be set at 1 hour for example.

I don't like karma. But I don't hate it either.

But I agree that those with negative karma shouldn't be branded as "HEY! I'm unpopular! Disagree with me!". So I propose that every month those with negative karma get "purged". That is, they go back to 0.

I think you just gained my vote for master of time ... being socially caring should be any masters virtue.
Your suggestion sort of corresponds with my suggestion 4.: "That the option to deal out negative Karma is removed."
Does it matter if it is reset after a month, a week ... or instantly, by fully removing the option to "Karma-bash" fellow forum-users?

I just received +Karma for a "well thought out thread on Karma".
I admittedly do feel honored ... such as I may feel misunderstood or bristling tomorrow when someone gives me - Karma  for this.
Please do not give me Karma of any kind for this thread. That would be kind of paradoxical wouldn't it?
Option 2. for possible changes in the original post is, strangely enough, my favourite one right after option 1.  ;)


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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54623#msg54623
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2010, 06:21:54 am »
I don't like karma. But I don't hate it either.

But I agree that those with negative karma shouldn't be branded as "HEY! I'm unpopular! Disagree with me!". So I propose that every month those with negative karma get "purged". That is, they go back to 0.
Maybe the system could be the same as the forum infraction points - every 24 hours you go down a point, or in this case you would go 1 karma back toward 0 if you're in negative karma because i agree - the negative karma does give an unnecessary social stigma


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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54669#msg54669
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2010, 10:24:32 am »
I don't like karma. But I don't hate it either.

But I agree that those with negative karma shouldn't be branded as "HEY! I'm unpopular! Disagree with me!". So I propose that every month those with negative karma get "purged". That is, they go back to 0.
Maybe the system could be the same as the forum infraction points - every 24 hours you go down a point, or in this case you would go 1 karma back toward 0 if you're in negative karma because i agree - the negative karma does give an unnecessary social stigma
Or.. here's a crazy thought.. how about this person does something productive or helpful and increase his Karma that way?

- do art for Elements
- code custom software that the community can use
- write a well thought-out post
- help a newbie in deck building
- help the community in some other way

- insult someone (hands down #1)
- rant about something insignificant

People who get lots of negative Karma like to complain about how it was "unfair", but that's not the case. If you are a productive member of the community, your Karma will be positive for sure. If on the other hand you are unproductive, you will get negative Karma for it.

Real life example from our forums:

Person A donates awesome art to be used in Elements -> tons of positive Karma
Person B bashes player donated art -> pile of negative Karma

There's no conspiracy here or big mystery here. Person A was productive and helpful, totally deserving that positive Karma. Person B on the other hand was bashing someone who donated their free time helping Elements. You do that in real life, everyone hates you. You do that on this forum, you get negative Karma.

This is exactly how I feel Karma system should work. It should encourage positive, productive behavior, and "punish" bad behavior.


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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54722#msg54722
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2010, 02:08:06 pm »
This is exactly how I feel Karma system should work. It should encourage positive, productive behavior, and "punish" bad behavior.
Which I agree with.

However, there is a point where the punishment gets too much. People don't go to jail for life for stealing something. As it is, once you get negative karma it has this permanent social stigma saying that you suck.

So you make a mistake and insult someone. Most people would probably forget all about it in a week or two. But with karma, they're constantly reminded of what you did. I think making it last a little bit is good, but there's a point where it lasts too long.

Can you do good things and get it back up? Yes. But it isn't as likely; a person is more likely to increase the karma of someone who already has a lot versus someone who has negative.

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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54727#msg54727
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2010, 02:12:12 pm »
This is exactly how I feel Karma system should work. It should encourage positive, productive behavior, and "punish" bad behavior.
Which I agree with.

However, there is a point where the punishment gets too much. People don't go to jail for life for stealing something. As it is, once you get negative karma it has this permanent social stigma saying that you suck.

So you make a mistake and insult someone. Most people would probably forget all about it in a week or two. But with karma, they're constantly reminded of what you did. I think making it last a little bit is good, but there's a point where it lasts too long.

Can you do good things and get it back up? Yes. But it isn't as likely; a person is more likely to increase the karma of someone who already has a lot versus someone who has negative.
Yes, but it can happen. Jangoo was in the negatives with -2 or -3, and now his karma is 1. Not being annoying/ranting and having good posts will give EVERYBODY karma, even to the most despised people.
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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54734#msg54734
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2010, 02:21:27 pm »
Yes, but it can happen. Jangoo was in the negatives with -2 or -3, and now his karma is 1. Not being annoying/ranting and having good posts will give EVERYBODY karma, even to the most despised people.
I'm not sure Jangoo is a good example; as you said, he only had -2 or -3.

I'm thinking more of somebody that could possibly get 10 or 12 negative. This would be very hard to come back from, and it could all be for one simple mistake. People deserve a fresh start.

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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54740#msg54740
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2010, 02:26:42 pm »
I'm not sure Jangoo is a good example; as you said, he only had -2 or -3.

I'm thinking more of somebody that could possibly get 10 or 12 negative. This would be very hard to come back from, and it could all be for one simple mistake. People deserve a fresh start.
However, nobody here had -10 yet. The least I've seen was at a guy named Elentier who was doing A LOT of ranting and rule breaking. He was at like -5. After that, he got banned. People in this community are way more inclined into giving positive karma than negative karma, simply because they are cool 8).
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When I first started elements I was a noob. Now I'm a noob in only 11 parts of it. The unimportant ones.
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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54745#msg54745
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2010, 02:30:09 pm »
People in this community are way more inclined into giving positive karma than negative karma, simply because they are cool 8).
But what if, tomorrow, a complete noob comes to the forums. He says something wrong, and then 10 people take it the wrong way and he gets -10 karma. He just rubbed those 10 cool people the wrong way.

Since it can happen, it needs to be addressed.

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Re: The "Karma"-system: A controversial debate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5339.msg54747#msg54747
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2010, 02:33:53 pm »
People in this community are way more inclined into giving positive karma than negative karma, simply because they are cool 8).
But what if, tomorrow, a complete noob comes to the forums. He says something wrong, and then 10 people take it the wrong way and he gets -10 karma. He just rubbed those 10 cool people the wrong way.

Since it can happen, it needs to be addressed.
IDK, it doesn't seem like somebody who's not a total @$$ would get lots of negative karma. However, what about something like "If you have less than -10 karma (-11, -12, etc) than you get 1 karma per week. This stops when you have -10 karma." This would solve cases like that.

P.S.: That text sounds like a card text :D.
Personal text by Cheesy
When I first started elements I was a noob. Now I'm a noob in only 11 parts of it. The unimportant ones.
Saying Elements cards are just pixels is like saying Dollars are just paper.

