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The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg30727#msg30727
« on: February 28, 2010, 11:57:20 pm »
I had an idea for something which I thought I would share with you.

In Card Ideas we have the main area and another area called the Crucible.
The main area anyone can post ideas in whenever they want however they want and without prejudice.
The Crucible is for a team of people (Element Masters and a few others) to choose cards and then tear them apart and rebuild them together with the original poster. These threads will be locked although the original thread in the Main Area will be open. Anyone can read these threads but only a few can hammer them. Any hammering done outside the crucible gets dealt with fairly quicklky to encourage more people to give their ideas.

The idea behind this:
Some people seem to spend their days sitting around waiting for what they consider bad ideas to surfcace and then tear them to shreds. I don't really like this myself and prefer to advise on a basis of, I may not agree but I have some ideas for how we can work together on this. So the crucible is where the cards get burnt, swallowed, liquified and destroyed then rebuilt and remade into what will work and be more appropiate. Also it would allow everyone freedom to post their ideas.

This would also tie in with the earlier idea of thread links to their elements.

Thanks for the peek


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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg30729#msg30729
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2010, 11:59:23 pm »
I can't see myself really doing that. Plus it makes things a little more complicated than need be.
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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg30734#msg30734
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2010, 12:02:13 am »
I suppose so but you don't have to be the one to do it, although if a fire card was chosen it would be hoped you would put your oar in at some moment in time.

Of course it does mean more complication in some areas as well as a bit more confusion in others but could be an idea is all.

Just gives someonet he oppurtunity to really nail what they want.

The other way was to provide more information on what cards we need but still another time and place.

Thanks anyway.


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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg30736#msg30736
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2010, 12:04:51 am »
I suppose it makes sense, if Zanz would ever look at/approve card ideas.


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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg30747#msg30747
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2010, 12:18:00 am »
I would say it can be of use. And you are right Zanzarino would need to look into whether or not the cards can make it into the game.

I suppose it would be difficult to implement which cards get the Crucible treatment, one idea being that after a competition on card making the top 5 go into the crucible for serious hammering.

Just ideas at the moment but if that way was to work then it would be best to leave the crucible open to everyone wanting to comment on the card ideas but not to post new threads.




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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg32026#msg32026
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2010, 07:12:21 pm »
For me this idea sounds really complicated. Also I don't like the fact that there's some special group of card idea people who are somehow above all others, and can do or say things others cannot.

I'd like to point out that anyone who posts anything on this forum has to be prepared to take all kinds of criticism. Freedom of speech is important and if I think an idea sucks, I should have the right to say so. Of course there are some limits, and if there are too much of this unnecessary shutting down of ideas, I'm going to unleash the moderators who will take care of it.

Related to this, I'm going to appoint a couple of "Card Idea Guys" soon who will be responsible for organizing all the card ideas. The current system (if you can even call it that) is a chaos and we really need something nice, neat and organized.

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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg32030#msg32030
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2010, 07:14:54 pm »
Unleash the moderators? Really now, UNLEASHING them? This sounds as you'd be unleashing some dogs ready to rip us apart :P
Personal text by Cheesy
When I first started elements I was a noob. Now I'm a noob in only 11 parts of it. The unimportant ones.
Saying Elements cards are just pixels is like saying Dollars are just paper.


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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg32191#msg32191
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2010, 10:52:15 pm »
Ok so I was thinking of how to do this and I came up with an idea:

I can start a voting thread at the end of each week. It will have all Card ideas from that week in it (although multiple card ideas in a single thread will be shown as one idea and you would need to post which idea you like from that thread). I will then (I was going to say sticky but I can't do that yet) bring it to the top as the card of the week and ask again everyone to help work on the card. It will be brought up as a new thread in which I will have organised all the information given about the card, previous ideas, art etc into the initial post with the relevant names being posted as well.

Then everyone can post ideas around that card, or get ideas on what people like to see and why.

Just an idea that I can do if people would like that.




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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg32211#msg32211
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2010, 11:29:41 pm »
Unleash the moderators? Really now, UNLEASHING them? This sounds as you'd be unleashing some dogs ready to rip us apart :P
Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Haven't you met our mods? Those guys don't joke around.

Ok so I was thinking of how to do this and I came up with an idea:

I can start a voting thread at the end of each week. It will have all Card ideas from that week in it (although multiple card ideas in a single thread will be shown as one idea and you would need to post which idea you like from that thread). I will then (I was going to say sticky but I can't do that yet) bring it to the top as the card of the week and ask again everyone to help work on the card. It will be brought up as a new thread in which I will have organised all the information given about the card, previous ideas, art etc into the initial post with the relevant names being posted as well.

Then everyone can post ideas around that card, or get ideas on what people like to see and why.

Just an idea that I can do if people would like that.


That's pretty close to how it's going to be, without the "lets all work on this card" thing.

We're going to have bi-monthly card design competitions, and all the cards that meet the requirements (all the info, picture, etc) will automatically enter that competition (one card per person).

We are also going to have one thread/section for each element where we move top-10 (subject to change) ideas from all the card ideas competitions. This way we get all the best ideas in one place and after a couple of months it's going to be a great source of inspiration to Elements developers.


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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg32240#msg32240
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2010, 11:56:52 pm »
Yes I didn't intend to say we have to work on it at all, just wanted a clear place for people to go looking for releveant ideas. (on another note I have almost finished the spreadsheet on Card Ideas which I will make available later this week)

I like your idea of having Card Competitions etc and also making sure that full posting of the card idea goes on (image/cost etc) rather than I had a great idea......




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Re: The Crucible and Other Connections https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3490.msg32277#msg32277
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2010, 12:33:01 am »
I like your idea of having Card Competitions etc and also making sure that full posting of the card idea goes on (image/cost etc) rather than I had a great idea......
What I said wasn't 100% my own idea so I'm not going to take credit for it. It was Lanidrak you suggested the automatic submission for a competition. I think it's a great idea but we still have to figure out the details.

