^ Cards are in fact organized by element, just not before crucible. Ideas in presmithy or the like are kind of a free for all until they're submitted to the process.
Edit: Apologies, seems they're only organized by element in the crucible. After Stage 1 they're all mashed together. Which I find acceptable; if we were to only have voting per element for the whole process, we'd wind up with way too many cards accepted into the armory. By choosing the best of the best from the entire card pool, we're doing much better quality control.
1. I realize it has actually been this way for a very long time, but my God is the new format for submitting to crucible ugly. I much preferred posting links to the topic then posting poorly formatted card picture links. The former makes my OCD smile beams of sunshine upon the world; the latter makes me want to hang myself.
2. Several cards in armory/their respective threads seem to be missing card images; the offender appears to be the choice of host, imageplay, which I lazily conclude must either no longer be active, or deletes images from its database after some time passes. A fix would be nice.
I realize these suggestions don't amount to much and aren't quite what you're looking for, but at the moment I have no real comment on how the process could be improved. As it stands the best fix for CIA would be
- Higher quality ideas/posts
- More activity, particularly from the community, and especially where voting is concerned.
And that's a bit outside of the control of curators and is really on the shoulders of everyone. I suppose then, that this leads to a suggestion #3, and a rather open ended one at that.
3. Get more members involved in CIA