I think it would improve communication, if more people, who have a chat account would do this, even, if chatname=ingame name=forum name.
I wonder, why nobody does (or I haven´t seen one, yet).
I don´t want to ask the same person several times, what his ingame name is, and how it´s written.
Some people have igns, which feel like Pjörnrachzarck or "$§&"%"§ or the ign has only small subtile differences to forum/chat name (like $$man and $$$man or so).
It could also improve communication in turnaments.
It would be even better, if we had another window in the chat profile, made for ingame name/forum name, so people could get the idea to show their names in an easy way, when then they don´t get it on their own, or reading this here.
I know this board here is not "Chat Suggestions", but I think it´s the best possible board for it.