I laughed when i read poletics and poletitian. (If you have dyslexia I must apologize.)
I do not understand this American fascination with politics. It seems pretty boring to me anyway.
Suppose I play along huh.
I know there are a couple of Americans, Dutch, German, French, Canadians and Finnish here. For the sake of the argument, we put 1 or more of every nationality in a debate team. Then we come up with a topic with pro teams and contra teams, people present their cases, and then we let the public vote which solution is best?
It would not have to have a whole lot to do with politics, it's more like some referendum.
There is absolutely no reason why people of the same nationality should be in one team. Also it could be restricting. (For 1 American, 50 Europeans can enter just because we have more countries pffffttt.) For fun, we could ''compare'' national politics. (For example we would ''defend'' the more socialist European system against the US or something.)
Does that help at all?