@Daxx: I don't know about you or of the rest of community but I know that I don't spend much time on Member Profiles as they simply aren't very integrated into the forums yet.
While I love them and they allow people to have a personal flair to their username, I wouldn't associate it with their development, nor do I find them as easily accessible as member threads.
I began this idea geared towards a board for goodbyes, however it can be applied very appropriately in the section where members now introduce themselves. Thinking more about it however, it became apparent to me that people could also integrate other personal aspects such as their contributions and their Elements "schedule," if you will.
I guess it's a matter of personal taste, but I just don't see much advertising going in personal profiles, nor do I see them expanding into other concepts such as Availability.
If this is a matter of conserving space and
matters of that nature, then I would agree, Profiles are the most adequate areas for this.
But even then, can we promote profiles a little more? Do they seem a little blah to anyone else?