
No Decks Here Sir (Semi-Permalink)
« on: March 23, 2010, 06:51:53 pm »
Is the Top 50 section really a bad place for Top 50 farming decks to be posted?

I don't mean to start a "my post r moved!!!1" thread, but i'd just like to look at this reasonably for a second.

You come on to the forums with a question perhaps, and if that question is something like "How do i beat the top 50 better" then you're most likely going to end up in this section. The answer to that question is not some lengthy diatribe on popular decks and metagame, it's a picture of a deck that works, maybe with some instructions.

Moving these decks into the deck sections just confuses the issue. Now you have to come here and ask what decks work well, and if you get an answer, you're sent to 4 or 5 different sections to look through all of the decks posted in those sections to find the ones that are tweaked for top 50 slaying.

No one is moving FG slaying decks out of that forum and putting them in the rainbow section, why are we doing it here?

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Re: No Decks Here Sir (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 08:24:25 pm »
Solution: Make an Anti-Top 50 Decks section.

We already have an Anti-False God Decks section, so it's a feasible and logical step to take.
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Re: No Decks Here Sir (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 09:10:44 am »
No one is moving FG slaying decks out of that forum and putting them in the rainbow section, [...]
Not to the rainbow section, no, but to the Anti-FG Decks section.


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Re: No Decks Here Sir (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2010, 10:23:30 am »
Is the Top 50 section really a bad place for Top 50 farming decks to be posted?

I don't mean to start a "my post r moved!!!1" thread, but i'd just like to look at this reasonably for a second.

You come on to the forums with a question perhaps, and if that question is something like "How do i beat the top 50 better" then you're most likely going to end up in this section. The answer to that question is not some lengthy diatribe on popular decks and metagame, it's a picture of a deck that works, maybe with some instructions.

Moving these decks into the deck sections just confuses the issue. Now you have to come here and ask what decks work well, and if you get an answer, you're sent to 4 or 5 different sections to look through all of the decks posted in those sections to find the ones that are tweaked for top 50 slaying.

No one is moving FG slaying decks out of that forum and putting them in the rainbow section, why are we doing it here?
You describe the problem, not a solution.

I am well aware of this problem and have been thinking about a solution ever since we switched forums. There are a lot of things to consider here. Simply letting people post decks under top-50 solves nothing and only leads to more confusion.

Here's the core of the problem:
What to do with decks that belong to multiple categories?

If a deck is a pure top-50 deck and sucks against everything else, then it's easy to categorize as "top-50 deck". But what if it works against Half Bloods too? What if it's good for PvP? See what I'm saying? If we have multiple different categories, finding a specific deck you are looking for becomes increasingly difficult because you might not know where to look.

Right now we have a system where all the decks are under "Decks". If you want to find a specific deck, you know for sure that it's under "Decks", and not under "Top-50" for example. The whole thing is based on cards, not the purpose of the deck, with Anti-FG Decks being an exception.

The tagging system we just removed would have solved this problem in theory. We could have first categorized deck ideas based on cards (mono-duo-trio-rainbow), and then give it tags based on purpose (anti-FG, top-50, PvP, etc.). Then you could simply click the top-50 and it would list all the top-50 decks. Unfortunately tagging system is pretty clumsy on forums.

What we have now is not final, and I'd like to hear if anyone has any good ideas on how to make it work more smoothly.

Some kind of merging of sections might work but it won't be easy.

No one is moving FG slaying decks out of that forum and putting them in the rainbow section, why are we doing it here?
We have been doing just that. I've personally moved a bunch of them.

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Re: No Decks Here Sir (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 10:09:53 pm »
There should be a plugin somewhere that requires people to select from some tags in order to post.  I've seen it used before, but I don't know enough about it to tell you what it's called.

If someone could find that, we could merge ALL of the decks sections into one massive "Decks" section, and just require people to choose one or more from each of the three groups:

1+: Lvl1/2/3, t50, Halfblood, FG
1: Mono, Duo, Trio, Quatro, Rainbow
1: Needs Help, Almost Perfect, Ready-To-Play

Then just put a sticky describing how to use Tag Search, and let chaos reign.
If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.


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Re: No Decks Here Sir (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 11:46:39 pm »
There should be a plugin somewhere that requires people to select from some tags in order to post.  I've seen it used before, but I don't know enough about it to tell you what it's called.

If someone could find that, we could merge ALL of the decks sections into one massive "Decks" section, and just require people to choose one or more from each of the three groups:

1+: Lvl1/2/3, t50, Halfblood, FG
1: Mono, Duo, Trio, Quatro, Rainbow
1: Needs Help, Almost Perfect, Ready-To-Play

Then just put a sticky describing how to use Tag Search, and let chaos reign.
Yeah, something like that might work. Unfortunately I don't think our forum software has a plugin like that. I'll look into it.

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Re: No Decks Here Sir (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 05:18:19 am »
What about a pure Anti section. And then it can sorta be like how flashkit allows you to put in a CS3 or any other notation so that people know which program you are using (for anyone unfamiliar, at the post new topic screen, you just put a bubble next to which one you use), but instead of being able to choose only 1, be able to choose as many as you want so that a lvl1 lvl2 lvl3 pvp t50 fg or hb tag comes before your topic.
You would still keep the sections for if its specifically for a certain ai though.

Or if that wouldnt work, just have an Anti section where theres a sticky that says you have to put in the identifying tags in the topic.

I dont mean actual tags btw, I mean just simply instead of putting

Super Rainbow Deck


fg, lvl3, halfbloof- Super Rainbow Deck

And If you did want to know mono or duo or whatever, there could also be element button as well (or just simply require them to put in the  :air symbol)

Just my 2 cents thouhg

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