I agree, and may this quote be my explanation
I just HAVE to say how much Ryan... evolved thoughout this match and how fast of a learner he is. In the first game, I had to tell him what to do: what to bolt, when to bolt, when to Miracle and stuff. In the second game, he did need some advice, as he was still unsure, but he also seemed to already know what to do. It was no more "should I go for deck-out or damage kill>" but more of "I should kill the shriek so I can deck him out, right?". In the third game, he played it all alone. And he got a brilliant win.
Sure, some new guys will feel better playing solo, but i witnessed Ryan's progress and it felt very rewarding.
Fenix shared a similar idea with us some months ago, in which 12 threads (per element) would recruit people interested in them to share experiences. It wasn't a 1:1 ratio, everyone helped everyone, but this seems a bit more organized. Thanks for this, 9270984.