I sometimes find myself in a situation where i need to look back something that was a long time ago. Chat History is currenlty designed that people can check back messages from
- 2 hours ago
- 2 days ago
- 2 weeks ago
- from the very beginning
When we select the time period, the oldest post of the said time period shows up and we can start browsing from there. The problem is if we want to find something just before the oldest post of one of these periods. So if i want to check something that happened 3 weeks ago, i have to go back for the first post made in chat, and start browsing through from there (I had to do this once, and it was not a fun experience).
My suggestion is enhancing browsing somehow. Either by making it possible to jump x days worth of messages both ways, or by dividing chat messages into year-month-day periods for easier browsing. Or really anything that makes it easier. ^^