Everything that jmdt said.
Also, this:
It's a frickin "Like" button.
Everyone needs to remember that we already have multiple established non-Karma systems for pointing out awesomeness. The first is staff positions -- people in staff positions are the leaders of the community. Especially Council Members. The second, as jmdt pointed out, is the
Cookies Of Awesomeness. If anything, the Cookies of Awesomeness need to be a regular (once every 3 months?) event given out by the Council and/or SG for people who do truly amazing things around the forum.
In short: the fact that I have a sh!tload of Karma doesn't necessarily mean anything other than that people like what I have to say and the style that I say it in. I've probably gotten just as much if not more Karma from posts like this (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,17234.msg235761#msg235761) than from 'hard work' like this (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23099.0.html). And that's not necessarily a bad thing, as long as everyone recognizes Karma for what it is: a Like button. (God knows that if negative Karma still existed, I'd probably be in the low 30s, too.

In all humility, I certainly don't have a lot of long-term impact on how people play the game or use the forums -- not like PlanPlan, jmdt, or my brah jmizzle for example -- and you can tell, because I don't have a terribly important staff position and I certainly haven't earned a Cookie of Awesomeness.
I think what I'm trying to say is that the only thing we really need to do to address the problem is point out in someplace like the Forum FAQ that Karma doesn't equal awesome -- merely popular.