*whistles while pointing to http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30783.120.html*
The OP already acknowledges that this thread and others of its kind exist.
I could potentially see a section being created for this I guess. If there's a section created for Reporting Bugs in the game and there's about as many rooms for improvement of the AI as there are bugs, then why not.
However, I will say that by doing this there would be the potential for a lot more double-posting of threads. And I don't mean threads reporting the exact same scenario, but anything such as relating to how the AI has poor judgment in targeting creatures with just about any spell or ability practically deserve one thread. With a lack of common sense or searching already being displayed in the Report a Bug section, this concerns me quite a bit.
It's possible, I just think it would require a rather large amount of planning, brainstorming, and above all else time to make happen.