It has been suggested (,24409.msg333497#msg333497),yet. But it´s good, that you remind us.
If anyone wants to add the rules, I know how to find the old rules, but I can´t post a link. Maybe I add a screenshot later.
These rules are not to limit people's freedom of speech or discussion. These rules simply strive to keep the boards on topic, productive and inclusive for all members. Accidental violation of minor rules will not result in strict penalties. We want everything to go smoothly so that our users can enjoy this forum.
Language Policy: We wish to create the friendliest atmosphere possible in our forums. As such, excessive use of strong language will not be tolerated. The odd "bad word" is fine but a profanity laced rant is not. Discretion will rest with the moderators.
Off-Topic Posting: Posts are to be on the topic of the board description where they're posted. Off Topic posts may be moved or closed at the moderators discretion.
Spamming: Please do not double post or cross-post the same message in multiple forums. You will not PM or email multiple members of this site the same message. This includes "bump threads" and posts intended merely to increase one's post count. Worthless posts with no content and nonsensical posts eat up space and waste everyone's time.
Thread Hijacking: taking a thread off-topic to pursue one's own agenda.
Shouting: excessive use of caps, large fonts.
Questioning moderation policies/actions in the forums: if you have a disagreement with a moderator (If your thread gets deleted, if you get a warning, etc.), DO NOT post your complaint publicly on the forums. If you have a problem with a moderator's actions, PM or email the moderator privately. If the moderator's response is unsatisfactory, email the administrator (Scaredgirl).
Do not post on behalf of someone who's banned. That'll probably get you banned, too. The idea of being banned is that they're no longer a part of this online forum community and are no longer allowed to interact here. No making threads that give glory to banned people. It's not a violation to mention them in passing but no threads that focus on them. ("Ah, TrollDuJour, I miss him so!" "or Hey, it's TrollduJour's birthday!") Prohibited threads include "What banned member do you miss/would you bring back?" type of threads. They're banned; don't give them that attention. If a moderator gives you specific instructions in a warning, and you blatantly disregard it, you are subject to being banned.
Abuse of "Report to moderator" button: multiple reports per thread, duplicate or frivolous reports will be deemed abuse and subject to warning. Every report is addressed. Please do not report something more than once.
Flaming: Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted.
Trolling: Do not post topics with the sole purpose of starting a dispute.
Advertising: Posting or private messaging to sell, buy, or trade products or services, links to auctions, affiliate links, links to promote personal or commercial websites, blogs, other forums and so forth is not allowed anywhere without explicit permission.
Disrespecting moderators. Be respectful in both the forums and any private communications with moderators. Moderators are volunteers that donate many, many hours of their own time to help in the forums and chat rooms.
Constantly bothering game developers*. Elements the game owner and Lead Developer Zanzarino spends a lot of time in the forum chatrooms. Please be respectful and don't bother him constantly by asking dumb questions. Regular conversation is of course permitted but spamming private messages asking how to upgrade cards is not. Lets give developers room to work on the game, ok?
If you want to get in contanct with Zanzarino, please PM Scaredgirl or send email to
*this was not requested by Zanzarino. It's a rule made by Scaredgirl to improve the communication between the community and the developers.
MAJOR INFRACTIONS - permanent ban
Hacking, using bots, exploiting, etc. This is the fastest way of getting a permanent ban. Keep in mind that even talking about these things in public is forbidden.
Multiple accounts are not permitted. If you have a good reason for needing more than one account, contact Scaredgirl and ask for permission. Usage of multiple accounts to circumvent penalties will result in a ban.
Offensive Posts, Links or Images: This means:
No rape threads/posts/images
No shit threads/posts/images
No beastiality threads/posts/images
No overtly pornographic threads/posts/images
No pedophile/incest threads/posts/images
No grossout threads/posts/images
No Disclosure of Personal Information: Do not disclose any other member's email, real name, address, phone number, IP address, or other personal information. This includes the posting contents of emails, private messages, warnings, infractions, and bans. Do not bring personal disputes into the forums.
Undefined: Obviously we can't anticipate every situation. For that reason, We reserve the right to remove any user at any time for any reason. If we think you're trying to manipulate the system, you'll be removed.
Warning points
Minor infraction: 20 points
Medium infraction: 40 points
Major infraction: Permanent ban
Warning levels
21+ points -> you will be put on user watch list
41+ points -> all your posts will be moderated (your posts become visible only after being approved by moderators)
61+ points -> you will not be able to post
Keep in mind that other users can see your warning level.
How to get rid of warning points?
Your warning level will decrement automatically 1 point for every 24 hour period when you are not warned. This means that if you get warned for a minor infraction (20 points), and don't get warned again, your warning record will go back to zero in 20 days.