A meaningful "meta-thread" pops up every once in a while and this is one of them.
I've been here since day 1 and eversince cared a lot about this forum.
Here is why:
1. It deals with an awesome game in an awesome way (design, activities ... anything)
2. It is indeed populated by a very interesting community. Mature game-concepts
attract mature users.
3. It does indeed have an actual "societal" dynamic ... e.g., the mere fact that there are people
explicitly considering what makes a "vet" a vet shows that. So do all the explicit and implicit
rules inscribed in this forum.
I guess you would feel the need to "break a lance" for the better if you consider a forum
like this worthwhile ... something that contributes to the everybodies lifes in a meaningful way.
I believe only a type of "model-society" can do that because otherwise it would just be another
random place in virtual space you could just shift in and out of.
Contrary to that, identities in this forum are not really random, replacable or even exchangable;
they are modelled by the day and whenever you post anything there is actually something at
stake ... provided you do care about the very base of all this: Elements the Game as such.
Granted, these identities are still pretty shortlived if you compare them to actual real life ...
taking, say, a timeframe of a year, a new "hot" deck-designer, artist, mod, master of ... will
pop up and the glory of the "vets" will indeed only be remembered by those who are vets
themselves. But for an online-platform, this forum and the people that populate it has a
pretty stable, longterm presence.
Now don't get me wrong. I was and still am a fierce antagonist of elitist behavior.
I totally despise those "up your own ass"-vetposts that just belittle newcomers even though
I sometimes act like that myself but is that really the problem here?
Couldn't it be that most people out there are simply not cut for a dedication that lasts more
than a couple weeks? These days, if you join an online community, those couple weeks are
usually supposed to be a long time ... are you really going to put up with more than that until
you finally "are somebody"? Is "being somebody" really what is in question here?
Or is it rather that Elements the Game is just not cut for binding everyone in the long run?
It may be hard to comprehend if you love the game, but there is an army of "try and error"
people out there that just stop by, check it out (usually with a "leech what you can then move
on" attitude) and move on if they don't really like the game.
The community, for most people, is in fact a second order priority here.
Among those that actually approve of the game as such, there is still a large number that may
not be all that "social" after all, may not have any time to get involved in the community ...
or they met a Jangoo, Kuross, whoever on a bad day, didn't get a chance to get to know them
better and moved on because community is a second order criterium for them when they
decide where they want to spend their time.
What I am saying is, that "vetness" is merely a small portion of the "failure to integrate the
masses" you are adressing, Kuross. More than that, if a new user has gotten far enough to
even be interested in considering the community as such, this vetness quickly becomes
personalized and one shouldn't underestimate the judgement of the individual, e.g.:
Jangoo IS just the one dick you want to avoid (hypothetical

) whereas Kuross IS that
awesome dude you would like to stick around for (hypothetical too

Contrary to that, societal institutions cannot be overcome that easily. This forum has quite
a lot of them and I still claim that they are generally problematic.
At the same time, they add a sense of seriousness to this forum that keeps things in a
"societal" order, hit and run internetlers at bay and the content of the forum meaningful ...