Before you tell me that this should be in the 'forum bugs' category...I would have written this topic there if I could access it. For the same reason, please don't move this topic while the issue still exists or I'm not going to have any idea what's happening in regards to resolution.
Which brings me to the point of this thread: As of earlier this afternoon (a few hours ago) I have been unable to reach several sections of the forum. As for how much is several, please reference the following. The first is from not logged in; the latter is (as of recently) my view when logged in.
Spoiler for Guest View:
This is where the list of accessible areas begins.
(3 screenshots with small overlap)

After which the list of fora is complete.
Spoiler for Member View:
This is also where visibility begins.
(2 screenshots this time)

And there it terminates.
Specifically, from this main screen, the following are missing:
In the Elements the Game subforum:
- Both sections in the General Discussion category.
- Trials section from Events and Competitions category.
- Project Factory and Cygnia sections in the Card Ideas and Art category.
- In-game Troubleshooting category is gone.
- Report In-game Issues category is gone.
- Game Suggestions and Feedback category is gone.
In the Deck Ideas subforum:
- Archived Decks category is gone.
In the Other Topics subforum:
- Everything is gone except the Forum Archive category.
The disappearance of sections of the forum is rather disconcerting.
As I refer to the Off-Topic category on a regular basis, both for general reading and to run an RP, this is quite an obstacle.
I also was unable to post this in the actual category for forum bug handling because I can't reach it.
Although my knowledge on the subject is limited, I speculate that this may be related to the construction of subsections for Brawl teams due to the approximate timing and the assignment of my rank as a team member.
Hope this is solved soon and thanks in advance for assistance.