For the clan feature suggestion:
A Clan rank will be based on all the members score within the clan. If a member decides to leave their score will be removed from the overall rank. Once a clan is made they should be able to enter “Clan War Events” on official forums which will rank all clans based on there results from these events. I think rewards should be given to all members if they won the event such as reward codes (coins/rare cards).
My idea on features for clans:
-Each clan should have it’s own clan name and clan tag.
-There should be a clan database( listing all clans, members within a clan, clan leader, members w/l ratio along with there score, clan overall rank.)
-To create a clan a person must atlest have 100k score and have the power to invite/kick members.
-Each clan should have a Bio page listing what there clan is about and requirements.
-Each clan should have a limited membership of atlest 8 or 10 members.