Yay for reform and stuff. Going to dump all of my ideas here.
Member statuses. There needs to be a way to differentiate members with more experience and less. I propose a separate version of "rep" that is more easily given out to insightful or correct judgements of members. Both PvP, meta, and balance will be factored in to determine how good of a card designer someone is.
Crucible changes:
The very first thing I'd like to draw attention is the fact that crucible guidelines seem to be sort of pedantic. Why do we need the "name" "text" and everything carefully filled out when you can see the card right there? It seems that the only guideline to entering the crucible is making a card and it fulfills the requirements. I propose a change of this:
To :
Spoiler for example:
ART: | Zblader
| IDEA: | furballdn
| THEMATICS: | Stolas was a wise great prince of hell who often took the form of an owl. His leadership qualities are shown by him commanding other winged creatures to protect permanents. The fact it costs after upgraded is just like animate weapon. I wanted to show the fluidity of . Besides, air isn't the only element that makes use of airborne creatures.
| MECHANICS: | As long as one Stolas with an active ability is on your field, the protection will take place. For every one airborne creature you own, one of stack of your permanents is protected. Protection order goes from 1 to 19, with 4 being the shield and 10 being the weapon.
| SYNERGIES: | Quintessence, Shard of Freedom, Wings Allows anti-PC, as well as increasing 's defenses.
| EXAMPLE DECK: | Hover over cards for details, click for permalink 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n7 7n7 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 8pr
This changes crucible entering guidelines from "being careful while filling in tables" to "Needing thought into creating a card". This method means that players will have to invest more energy and thinking when creating their card as well as think up of synergies, stopping many "spur of the moment" card ideas that pop up.
Crucible guidelines:
A card needs 12 approval points before it can enter crucible. Entering will be done the same way now, but only cards with 12 approval points in the crucible candidates thread will be allowed to enter.
How does a card get approval points? Simply by having other members comment on it. Members can give from 0-3 approval points on a single card.
Spoiler for examples:
This card is OP because with 3

, you can do 40 damage. No approval +0.
This card has the same stats as a frog but costs as much as a dragon and its ability is not very useful. No approval +0.
This concept has been done before many many times, and is quite boring. No approval from me. +0.
This card seems relatively balanced. +1 approval.
I can't find anything wrong about this card, but it doesn't really appeal to me. +1 approval.
This card seems to have a great concept, but could use some fine tuning. +1 approval.
This seems like an interesting idea. +2 approval.
This card is just fantastic. I'll gladly support it. +3 approval.
Once a card gets 12 approval points it can go into the forge.