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Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg99797#msg99797
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:59:03 am »
Okay, so I think we have a problem with our current system regarding volume. The first inkling of this problem is shown with all the darkness cards.

There's 30.

And that number will only go up. Every four weeks one of the cards in each element in the crucible gets moved up to the forge. However, tons more get added. Eventually we'll have more cards than it is practical to go through and vote on the best one for your every day player. This is already happening with the darkness cards. In the same way, it will be much harder for a clear winner to be chosen because the voting will be diffused over a much greater number of cards despite the higher vote count, since many people won't make use of their extra votes.

The same problem will happen with forge (though over a longer time period) and armory (over an even longer time period). Because when cards get moved up lengthens in each level (which I think is great), then each level will eventually get clogged with cards. Basically, per month, you get lots -> crucible, 12 -> forge, 3 -> armory.

Now we have a few options for this:
SOLUTION ONE: Increasing Requirements for Crucible
---This would only temporarily solve the problem, because to keep the current system, you would still get more cards flowing in to the crucible versus out of the crucible.
---But it's also one of the easiest solutions.

SOLUTION TWO: Curators Choose
---To get in the crucible, a curator must decide it's ready is the basis for this solution.
---Problem is that we only have one card curator currently, so not every card will be kept up to date on.
---Some good card ideas will always be missed.
---Add more card curators?
---Judging criteria would be more personal and subjective, which may not be a good thing.
---But it would solve the problem immediately my greatly reducing the amount of inflow to the crucible.

SOLUTION THREE: Delete Cards from Crucible
---Max of 20 (?) of one element in crucible at a time.

This is my favorite solution, so I'm going to expound on it in paragraph form :) .

Basically, deleting cards that don't get a lot of votes on a level from the voting. What happens to these card ideas is up for debate though. We don't want to simply delete the topic, because they WERE good enough to make it into the forge/crucible. At the same time, we want to allow for the possibility of being moved back to the voting if sufficient changes are made.

One option is that when cards go over the max allotted, then the cards with the lowest number of votes get moved back down a level, but then some cards would be constantly moving back and forth, which could bar other cards from having a chance.

So instead we could have an archive of cards that were eliminated from polls for a certain level. These cards would still be commentable; not locked. When changed, a poll could be made whether or not to move it back to the vote (Yes or No). After a certain number of votes yes (maybe along with a certain percentage), it is moved back to the voting circle as a newcomer to the level. Here is my preliminary outline for the new section:

Level 0: Smithy: Same as always.
Level 1: Crucible: CHANGES!
--------Subforum for Crucible: Waiting Room1
--------Subforum for Crucible: Voting2
--------Subforum for Crucible: Archive3
Level 2: Forge: CHANGES!
--------Subforum for Forge: Waiting Room1
--------Subforum for Forge: Voting2
--------Subforum for Forge: Archive3
Level 3: Armory: Same as always.

1 Instead of having *d cards in the voting section that were added after the poll was started, all cards that are GOING to be added to the poll the next time it is reset will be in this subforum so you can comment on them still without them getting lost in the previous level. This makes it easier to decide how many cards must be moved to the archive at the end of a voting session. To guard against waiting room overflow, the max amount of cards available to the waiting room would be a specific number that is less than the number of cards being voted on. It's first come first serve.

2 This would be the same as the current crucible subforum without the *d cards.

3 This is where the cards with the lowest number of votes go after a voting session (the amount of cards is decided by the number of that element in the waiting room). You could still comment on cards, and if you want to make it back to the waiting room, you must make changes to the card and then create a poll on whether or not to add it back on the voting circuit.

This idea may be much more complicated, but it would solve the problem of overloading the levels since the archive would handle all overflow problems. This would also mean more work for the card curators (more moving topics from sub forum to sub forum), so more would need to be appointed.

Edit: Sorry for this whole thing being bolded and italics. All I did was highlight the "SOLUTION X" lines and bold/italicize them, but then everything became like this and I'm having trouble turning it off. Forum bug maybe?


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg99799#msg99799
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 05:05:00 am »
i personally like the 3rd idea :D

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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg99800#msg99800
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 05:05:06 am »
i agree on limiting the number of cards in crucible.

however, i can't agree on making 6 more subforums. the card idea secion already has like 4 stages, and making more seems kinda pointless.

i also don't agree with curator' choice. one or two people shouldn't get to do stuff by their opinion in this case.
Ex-Master of :gravity, still a fervid supporter! GO GRAVY!


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg99801#msg99801
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 05:09:24 am »
The problem is that if you limit the number of cards in the crucible, what happens to all the good ideas out there that either can't get in to the crucible? Or the cards that are eliminated from the crucible? If they were good enough to get there, they shouldn't suddenly be deleted.

Hence, archive.

The waiting room is just to make it easier to decide how many cards must be removed from the poll.


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg100139#msg100139
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2010, 05:41:52 pm »
Here's a little graphic for my idea if it's hard to understand  8) .

Smithy -----------> Crucible Waiting Room ----> Crucible Voting -----------> Forge Waiting Room ----> Forge Voting -----------> Armory
                                           ^<<<<Crucible Archive<<<<v                                 ^<<<<Forge Archive<<<<v

Potential Problems:
--Lots more work
--More complicated
--If archive gets too bulky, then the waiting room could get more cards than it can handle, and then we just have an overflow problem in the waiting room and some cards could be barred from it. Not a good thing.

Solution to third problem:
Allow only a certain number of cards per element (or type for forge) move back from the archive to the waiting room per month, like three. It will get harder and harder to get back to the waiting room from the archive, but then again, those cards are in the archive for a reason :) .


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg102887#msg102887
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2010, 03:48:33 pm »
Updates: Current situation is that failed cards get moved back down to level 0 and are banned from reentering crucible.

And thinking about it, that's fine. But I think those cards deserve some mention, so possibly a stickied topic in crucible section with links (doesn't necessarily have to have pictures) of failed crucible cards would work.

Also, a person should be allowed to reenter crucible section after making a drastic change (card curator's discretion?) to the card. Since if nobody likes a card, but suddenly a change is made and everybody loves it, it should be allowed to get back into crucible.


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg102904#msg102904
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2010, 04:17:59 pm »
And thinking about it, that's fine. But I think those cards deserve some mention, so possibly a stickied topic in crucible section with links (doesn't necessarily have to have pictures) of failed crucible cards would work.
The way I see it, the community didn't like those card ideas so I don't see why they would "deserve some mention". It would be kind of like giving a medal to the person who finished last in a tournament.

Keep in mind that to get to Crucible, you don't need to do anything special. I could have the worst idea in the world, but as long as it meets the minimum requirements, that idea gets to go to Crucible.

Also, a person should be allowed to reenter crucible section after making a drastic change (card curator's discretion?) to the card. Since if nobody likes a card, but suddenly a change is made and everybody loves it, it should be allowed to get back into crucible.
This is exactly how it is. This rule is written in private section for Card Curators.


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg102911#msg102911
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2010, 04:29:57 pm »
Fair enough :).

Anyway, is there a way to fix that bug with bolded words and such? Or is it a problem with my settings? I don't know how it happened and don't know how to recreate it =\.


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg102925#msg102925
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2010, 04:40:17 pm »
Anyway, is there a way to fix that bug with bolded words and such? Or is it a problem with my settings? I don't know how it happened and don't know how to recreate it =\.
I'm not sure what the "bug" is. Looking at the code, this is what you did:
Code: [Select]
[b][i]SOLUTION ONE: Increasing Requirements for Crucible
---This would only temporarily solve the problem, because to keep the current system, you would still get more cards flowing in to the crucible versus out of the crucible.
---But it's also one of the easiest solutions.

SOLUTION TWO: Curators Choose
---To get in the crucible, a curator must decide it's ready is the basis for this solution.
---Problem is that we only have one card curator currently, so not every card will be kept up to date on.
---Some good card ideas will always be missed.
---Add more card curators?
---Judging criteria would be more personal and subjective, which may not be a good thing.
---But it would solve the problem immediately my greatly reducing the amount of inflow to the crucible.

SOLUTION THREE: Delete Cards from Crucible
---Max of 20 (?) of one element in crucible at a time.

This is my favorite solution, so I'm going to expound on it in paragraph form :) .

Basically, deleting cards that don't get a lot of votes on a level from the voting. What happens to these card ideas is up for debate though. We don't want to simply delete the topic, because they WERE good enough to make it into the forge/crucible. At the same time, we want to allow for the possibility of being moved back to the voting if sufficient changes are made.

One option is that when cards go over the max allotted, then the cards with the lowest number of votes get moved back down a level, but then some cards would be constantly moving back and forth, which could bar other cards from having a chance.

So instead we could have an archive of cards that were eliminated from polls for a certain level. These cards would still be commentable; not locked. When changed, a poll could be made whether or not to move it back to the vote (Yes or No). After a certain number of votes yes (maybe along with a certain percentage), it is moved back to the voting circle as a newcomer to the level. Here is my preliminary outline for the new section:

Level 0: Smithy: Same as always.
Level 1: Crucible: CHANGES!
--------Subforum for Crucible: Waiting Room[sup]1[/sup]
--------Subforum for Crucible: Voting[sup]2[/sup]
--------Subforum for Crucible: Archive[sup]3[/sup]
Level 2: Forge: CHANGES!
--------Subforum for Forge: Waiting Room[sup]1[/sup]
--------Subforum for Forge: Voting[sup]2[/sup]
--------Subforum for Forge: Archive[sup]3 [/sup]
Level 3: Armory: Same as always.

[sup]1[/sup] Instead of having *d cards in the voting section that were added after the poll was started, all cards that are GOING to be added to the poll the next time it is reset will be in this subforum so you can comment on them still without them getting lost in the previous level. This makes it easier to decide how many cards must be moved to the archive at the end of a voting session. To guard against waiting room overflow, the max amount of cards available to the waiting room would be a specific number that is less than the number of cards being voted on. It's first come first serve.

[sup]2[/sup] This would be the same as the current crucible subforum without the *d cards.

[sup]3[/sup] This is where the cards with the lowest number of votes go after a voting session (the amount of cards is decided by the number of that element in the waiting room). You could still comment on cards, and if you want to make it back to the waiting room, you must make changes to the card and then create a poll on whether or not to add it back on the voting circuit.

This idea may be much more complicated, but it would solve the problem of overloading the levels since the archive would handle all overflow problems. This would also mean more work for the card curators (more moving topics from sub forum to sub forum), so more would need to be appointed.

Edit: Sorry for this whole thing being bolded and italics. All I did was highlight the "SOLUTION X" lines and bold/italicize them, but then everything became like this and I'm having trouble turning it off. Forum bug maybe?
As you can see, you have the whole text inside that
Code: [Select]
[i][b].........[/i][/b]..which naturally makes everything bold and italic.


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg102939#msg102939
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2010, 04:58:53 pm »
The problem is that I didn't do that.

I highlighted the text I wanted to bold and pressed the "bold" button. Didn't use BBcode manually.

Also, when I go to edit my post, I don't see the bbcode tags. All I see is the actual bolded/italics font in this textbox so I don't know how to change it.

Let's see if I can recreate it.

^All I did was highlight that. And look what happened.


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg102992#msg102992
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2010, 06:12:37 pm »
Ah, ok. You are using the visual editor. Seems like the bug is related to that, although it works for me in both Firefox and Chrome. What browser are you using?

Use the "Toggle View" button on the right to switch to non-visual editor with BBcode tags.


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Re: Card Idea Section... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8606.msg103004#msg103004
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2010, 06:25:35 pm »
Thanks. Didn't see that toggle view thing right there. That fixes the bug.

I'm using firefox. I'll try to recreate it one more time. Note that it won't show up until you press preview or actually post it.

1) Write something.
2) Highlight it.
3) Press bold/italics.
4) Write something a few lines down.
5) Press post preview.

The preview should have it bolded and italicized.
This was highlighted.

This came after the highlighting.

