Brawl 8, Round 0 (NATIONS!)

No timer! | Round 0 It has become a typical tradition to have a round 0 at forum brawl. So, here we are. Round 0 is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and ANYONE CAN PARTICIPATE.
Round 0 doesn't play a role in the overall plot of Brawl #8. You can pretend it takes place before anything happens during your nation's adventure if you like.
There will be no Voting Phase and you won't get any points, voints or any other sort of oint for this ""round"".
The President (BOSS) | Political speech! | BASIC TASK Write your political speech. In order to become the President of your nation, your people must vote you first! Except if you have monarchy or you blackmail your political opponents or whatever; in that case, you auto-win...
| Minister of Propaganda (ARTIST) | Leader!, Leader!, Leader! | BASIC TASK Make a poster, an image or even a 3-meter golden statue of your President!
| Minister of Defense (DECK BUILDER) | Our Maginot Line! | BASIC TASK Create a deck that looks powerful but has a major flaw!
| Minister of Technology (CARD DESIGNER) | Our nation is the most national of all the nations! | BASIC TASK Make a card that best depicts your nation!
| Minister of Education (WRITER) | We need your vote! | BASIC TASK Let's say we are a few days before the elections. Write to your people and say the reason your people must vote your President. Except if you have monarchy or you blackmail your political opponents or whatever; in that case, you auto-win...
| Subminister (FORUM EXPERT) | Help the others | BASIC TASK You are the subminister. No, you don't have any Subs under your command; that is the minster of defense. As a subminister you should be able to help all the others to run their ministries. Also, you are capable of doing little of everything. However, since I was really bored, I didn't think of something clever for you in order to do for Round 0, so go and help the others with their tasks... 
Notes:* Every submission in general must remain PG-13, non-Scribe submissions have a max limit of 1000 words (except if noted otherwise) and every submission must absolutely not exceed the length of a single private message (65535 characters). Special thanks to InsignificantWeeaboo because the Nations-themed Brawl was his idea!WARNING: First of all, I know it is early to post Round 0 of Brawl, but War is going to end soon enough and Round 0 is not even an official round. So, I don't think it is wrong to post it now.
Also, brawl-related things and even the theme of the next brawl (Brawl #8) may change till the event starts. Hope you people will not be mad because of this...