Personally I prefer a good variety of decks in there sometimes but overall, when I play t50 it's mostly trying to get some rares(almost got 12 of each weapon now so won't be an issue for me much longer, but I think most people do play t50 primarily for the farms). Biting or not doesn't really matter to me much since almost any decent deck should have no trouble handling most biting farms. I also don't mind having normal decks in there as well to keep things interesting.
Actually about the only thing that DOES annoy me lately about t50 is that it seems like about 50% of the games on there lately have been against virtually identical life rush decks

. These are probably the worst ones to face in all ways..they usually have no rares you can win from them AND they get extremely boring after playing so many of em..usually they aren't even that hard to beat but a bad draw can always end up costing you. Basically they just come down to whether or not you can get a shield and a couple shards out quickly enough

Anyway, like I said, overall I prefer farms(biting or not) but normal decks are fine as well so long as there is at least some variety and not one type completely dominating it. Of course, some decks will probably always be more effective than others and thus more popular, so t50 will always be somewhat a case of taking what you get...