I think rare card farms are a great way for new players to get access to better cards... really, I do...
But where is the fun in playing a top 50 game where the opponent does nothing but play off color lands?
How do new players get better at the game and see better decks if the top 50 decks are not a true representative of how the players got to be top 50 calibre?
I'm not suggesting that the top 50 should be each players best deck or highest winning percentage deck, but I do think it would be far more fun for people grinding the top 50 to actually have to grind out a win. For crying out loud, at least play the proper colors for the cards in the deck. Have a deck which could at least, in theory, beat a really bad player.
Maybe I am the only one who sees a problem here... but it is boring playing top 50 when you only rarely get a real game.