First of all: A big thank you to ...
Assto (!!!)
Candle (!!!)
... for your farm-decks last week. Those really got me a long way with my rares.
Now for the ugly:
I just started farming rares with a fireball-grinder last week and was instantly suprised as to how well it works and how many people are out there to provide nice cards for the rest of us.
Then I found out that the highscore will be reset every sunday and that lower ranked players dont put up farm-decks usually but will stick with the same old rainbow-deck .... granted.
So I come back today and already the highscores look a bit better, however the experience hasn't changed a bit:
1. Just about EVERY deck seems to be that lame Otyuk, Druid, Bonewall, Feral Bond ... rainbow deck!
2. Those players that had an interesting- (or farm-) deck up last week seem to have switched to the rainbow too.
3. I seem to be matched against the same 5-7 guys all the time!
So, where are all the nice farms this week?
Is it rainbow god-farming week or something?
Could it be that the "random seed" is kinda hacked when being matched up against top50?
Or is that just me being unlucky and having to play CB!, vader1 and vekli all the time?