I really don't think people appreciate the farms as much as they should.
Anyone could post any deck to the t50. But instead, these players are kind enough to post something that helps you out. In one way or another.
If a man stopped you in the street, beat the crap out of you, and left you there....You probably wouldn't like it.
If a man stopped you in the street, and handed you $100, you would (most likely) be appreciative.
Regardless, $100 or $5, it's still a giveaway. You get your EM from a shard deck, which means you make up for every lost match while farming t50. These are also some of the most helpful farms, considering Shards are an integral part of many decks, and there is no way for new players (the ones that can't play fgs yet!) to get shards.
Granted, they should be upgrading other cards, but maybe they need the shards for the RoL/Hope deck they've heard the other players raving about. Maybe they just want to keep farming t50, and want some healing? Regardless, there is an adage that fits quite well.
Beggars can't be choosersI suppose it should say 'shouldn't be choosers,' considering how many still try to choose. But if you're getting a free lunch, just appreciate whatever is on your plate