Here is the unupped deck I used to farm T50. It is a direct damage, Fire Bolt and Unstable Gas deck. I experimented with different combinations using weapons and other ideas, but this simple idea worked the best.
Fire Mark
10 Burning Pillar
6 Fire Bolt
8 Wind Pillar
6 Unstable Gas
Here is a quick table that shows how much wind and fire quanta will be needed relative to how many Unstable Gas and Fire Bolts cards are in the hand.
UG = Number of Unstable Gas in hand.
WQ = Amount of Air quants needed to deploy the all the Unstable Gas in hand.
FBD = Amount of Fire Bolt that damage that needs to be done.
FB = Number of Fire Bolts in hand.
FQ = Nmount of Fire Quanta needed to do the required damage and activate the Unstable Gas.
4(30) : 020 6(**), 5(20), 4(18), 3(20), 2(30), 1(60)
3(24) : 040 6(25), 5(29), 4(33), 3(43), 2(63), 1(130)
2(18) : 060 6(35), 5(40), 4(50), 3(65), 2(93), 1(190)
1(12) : 080 6(46), 5(53), 4(66), 3(89), 2(133)
0(06) : 100 6(59), 5(69), 4(83), 3(110), 2(163)
This table assumes the opponent has 100HP. If the opponent has more than 100 HP, then adjust accordingly.
If for example the opponent has 120 HP, then either wait for an extra unstable gas or fire quanta to do 20 more damage. If the opponent has permenant destroying capabilities and there is a likely hood that an unstable gas will be destroyed or stolen, then either wait for an extra unstable gas or extra fire quanta to do the extra damage.
Here is an example on how to use the table. If you have 3 Unstable Gas cards in hand, then use the 2nd row that starts with a 3. The (24) after the number is 4 is the amount of Air quants needed to deploy the 4 Unstable Gas cards in hand. Next is the amount of damage Fire Bolt damaged needed or 040 in this case. The next set of numbers represent the number of Fire Bolts in had and the amount of Fire quants needed to do 40 damage and activate the 3 Unstable Gas cards. If you have 6 Fire Bolt cards in hand, then you will need 25 Fire quanta 6(25). If you have 5 Fire Bolt cards in hand, then you will need 29 Fire quanta, If you have 4 Fire Bolt cards in hand, then you will need 33 Fire quanta 4(33)... and so on.