And what I'm understanding is that checking the farming lists is useless since an informed player has no more options or choices available to him than an uninformed player has.
an informed player has 1 very important option more:
he can choose if he want to farm t50.
say a player needs/wants/is searching for an eternity.
if he check the list and see that about 3 eternity farms are up, he may risk a bloody nose with his unupped deck.
There is nothing wrong with quitting out of battles when searching for rares, as long as you don't care about score.
Quitting out, and only playing farms is a lot faster. I used to do it a couple weeks ago when I wanted all the rares. I didn't care about score at all. And most of the electrum that you lose from quitting out, you gain back with elemental masteries on the farm decks, or selling some of the rares you have 6 of.
my record used to be 350 wins and 900 losses.... but i didn't care about my record, and i got 6 of every rare in 2 days. 
you will loose 15 electrum each time you quit a game.
means: about every 4-6. game
has to be a farm for not loosing money (with selling many of the rares you win, if you spinn them!).
it also depends on time when you are playing how many farms are up.
--> just quit t50 for rares if you are really despareate.