[15:31:01] dbdii407: So how do I change my picture? I'm looking around the profile settings but can't find anything. O-o
[15:31:55] ColorlessGreen: spam a bunch of posts
[15:32:08] ColorlessGreen: 30 posts lets you pick an ingame card art as an avatar, 200 posts lets you make your own
[15:32:16] ColorlessGreen: soooo, go make 200 spam posts
[15:32:33] dbdii407: Oh. :x
[15:32:41] dbdii407: Well, I don't really want to do that.
[15:32:54] dracomageat: mods'll delete them if they're actual spam though so be careful or you'll have to start over
[15:33:23] ColorlessGreen: if higs weren't trapped in someone's basement you could probably get her to just set one for you
[15:33:30] ColorlessGreen: as it stands you could probably talk anti into it if you asked nicely enough
[15:34:25] ColorlessGreen: though i think you should just count to 200 in some obscure corner
[15:44:37] ColorlessGreen: i still think you could legitimately get away with counting to 200 in the humor section