Some Questions on the mechanics of submitting your deck/score that I feel need to be answered. I couldn't find definitive answers so here are some thoughts:
- What ist the effect of changing your mark between two submissions of your deck/score?
- Assume you're in the Top50 and you submit your deck/highscore. The system saves your score along with the deck, the deck does not get updated as you continue to play. In other words: The deck is submitted once and not continuously, correct?
- Is it possible to submit a rare farm deck then change your deck and face your own previously submitted rare farm deck? How?
(I've been trying the above and whenever I encountered my own deck it wasn't the rare farm deck I thought I had submitted earlier)
- It is possible to have multiple entries in the Top50 with one account. There have to be certain conditions on how the data from one submission has to be different from the next to generate two different entries. What are these conditions (My guess: different mark = new Entry; Different score, same Mark = Overwrite old entry)?
For some reasons I can't figure out how to correctly submit a rare farm deck and leave this deck in the top50 while I continue to play with another deck, possibly facing my earlier submitted farm deck (to obtain more copies of my own rares). Do I have to change my mark to do that? I'd be thankful for a step-by-step 'HowTo' and/or any comments and thoughts.
The major reason for this post is that I am constantly shifting between being in and out of the weekly Top50 and I want to do it right without having to try a couple of times.