How was I trolling at all? I wasn't being rude or anything of the sort when I posted my link, it was a link to a thread that is on the same topic of discussion as this is.
As for ANY type of farm deck, biting or not, you should be glad of the extra chance of winning the rare. Some of the t50 are kind enough to keep putting up farms and I hate it when people complain about the t50 being hard or the farms biting. The t50 is just that, TOP 50 OF ELEMENTS, it SHOULD be hard. About t50 being "ai 4" it's just placed there because it keeps consistency in the game for the AI levels. Some decks the AI can't play at all, some decks, like shrieker rush, can be played by the AI almost perfectly because all it has to do is click click click click. When you're playing against the top 50 in elements it should be a challenge and it should not be easy. This is why I try to get others to NOT post rare farms. That and back when elements started we had to earn all our rares through grinding.