What did the T50 ever do to cause them to have to give massive farms back to you? Nothing. WE should be giving them a reward, not us. It should be like, if you are a known person who always puts farms up you should get a special forum icon. I have no idea why this idea even got started, T50 owes you guys nothing, you owe them.
I would like to state the fact that I never implied that this would become a requirement. Please take a look at the quote below.
Just an FYI folks, for this to work it would require quite a few T50 members to sign up and time it just so. Something like that is hard to do and my guess is it would be something that lasts an hour or so and only once a month. But before any planning goes into it, best to get at least 15+ T50 members to speak up on this thread.
I think what kuross said right here explains my point very well, but to elaborate: This event won't even happen unless, as kuross said, at least 15+ T50 members speak up on this thread. The other important thing to remember is that
IF this event does become a reality, any T50 who signs up is doing it out of their own will. When War started, were we forced to submit an application to the auction? No. When a competition starts, are we forced to submit something? No. My point being: yes, we do owe all those in T50 for setting up farms and helping us to advance further in this game. Yes, they do not owe us anything. But if this was all there is to it, there wouldn't be any farms at all in the first place! Why? Because the T50 sets up farms
of their own will.