1. T50 are the 50 best score of (a) all time, (b) the month, (c) the week, (d) the day or (e) else?
(c) the week
2. Do the T50 players know what are the effective results/stats of their chosen decks?
no, whatever deck you have at the moment, thats what will appear in T50
3. Does the score of a T50 player change when his/her deck-played-by-the-AI loose/win?
no, and any changes to their score will not change their T50 standing until they submit a new one too
4. Does a T50 player has other possibilities on the AI control than selecting a deck for the AI to play?
no, but AI will follow certain preset behavior (e.g. using explosion/steal on hourglass instead of tower etc)
5. Could I be a T50 just for a day? (nothing to loose to ask)
sure, get a high enough score and submit it at sunday +1 hour after oracle reset (when you can visit the oracle for sunday, an hour after that score for T50 will be cleared). you need at least 100k score to stay for a day
6. Does a T50 player has anything to loose to make a farm?
no, except putting up a farm means they cant use the deck to grind (unless they put up a biting farm). remember, any current deck they use is the one they will have in T50
7. If I play against a fire stall (which is played really badly by the AI), does it means that the T50 player has just forgotten to change his deck before leaving? or is there a hidden higher purpose that I can't see because I am just a little scarab that don't even possess a fifth of the cards?
T50 have full control over what deck they put up BUT, that doesnt mean they are there to serve your need for grinding rares. they can put up any deck they want. just be happy theres any farm at all
8. How do I know if I suddenly become a T50? (Maybe the oracle could offer me 350k score, one never knows).
you wont have any sudden moment, submit your score and you will know if you're in T50
although if you have been in T50, chances are by the end of the week, if your score is high *just* enough, after the database purge any clones and hackers (multiple of the same account and those who troll T50) you might get back in T50
9. something else ?
130k should last you a few days (my experience), 170k should last you most of the week AS OF NOW
minimum score for T50 seems to increase by +5k weekly, it was 170k+ 2 weeks ago (just an observation, nothing concrete on the matter)