I had a hard time at first with this image thing too. when u save it it just saves it to where u want as *all files* with no option to save it so i always assumed it was saving as a .png automatically like any normal program would.
you have to type in .png at the end to get it to save properly. if you dont u get a "useless" saved file that you have to tell it to open in mspaint or w/e you use. save it as a .png or .jpg w/e ur preference is. then upload it with imageplay.
if you need to add the quanta costs in the card yo have to first upload it on pixlr.com or w/e you want to use and add them in then save it then upload to imageplay then put them on.
This is quite tedious a process and would be made much simpler if the planplan could add in the quanta costs in card abilities. If possible have it create a link as well to put in the forums? idk how complicated that would be but it would make things quicker and less obnoxious to deal with.