Just asking for a definnition of desync.
And is it a desync if it seems as if all that has happened is the computer has taken over due to Time Out?
It's a desync if the computer takes over on one screen, but the other screen is still playing that player.
Player 1 plays Player 2 plays the Computer.
Since Player 2 is against the computer, he can play much faster than Player 1.
So there's generally one or two turns where multiple turns are sent over as information to Player 1, causing the field to change a lot in the next few of his turns.
This is the more common kind of desync anyways.
As I sort of said above, but less organized, why this happens is because the game's time out system and turn system is a bit buggy.
How the game registers turns is pretty much you do everything you need to do in your turn, and press "Done".
At that moment the computer packages all the information during your turn and in what order and sends it to your opponent's computer, where the computer replays it.
This goes back and forth.
The timeout system works like this:
When you press "Done", a yellow bar pops up on your screen to time your opponent's turn.
This ALWAYS lasts exactly 60 seconds.
When this timer runs out, the "Not Responding" message pops up and the CPU takes after 10 seconds.
This timer is ALWAYS FIXED, meaning that it will do the above regardless of your opponent.
So now, there's a little bit of time for the turn information to travel to your opponent all in one go.
So now your opponent is watching your turn replayed while your yellow timer is still going.
When it's his turn, he get's a green timer. This timer tries to prevent desyncs by being much much less than 60 seconds.
It normally averages for me by being about 30-40 seconds, but it can be as high as 50+ and as low as 0.
All that happens if this timer hits 0 is that your turn automatically ends.
If you wait too long on this timer, it shrinks the next turn. The timer adds a bit of time if you play something.
The information from his turn goes back to you.
Now the reason these minor desyncs happen is when you press done, you get this 60 second yellow timer right?
Adding in the 10 seconds after that:
If the information going to your opponent, being replayed completely, your opponent's turn, your opponent's attack animation, and the information going back to you takes more than 70 seconds, you will play the computer.
However, your opponent still plays you, and he sees a desync.
This is relatively common, and usually happens because of bad connection and/or the player's turn taking a long time from thinking or lots of clicks.
This is why I suggested a timer system to fix this above.
I believe some of the bigger ones are caused when the turn information passing back and forth gets corrupted, and it causes the game to go REALLY weird.
Should I post this in the main section?