Having trouble registering for chat?Make sure you take these 4 steps below:
1. Click the REGISTER button.
2. Fill in the Name, Password, Retype, and E-mail fields. Make sure that you record your password and username somewhere so that you know you're typing it in correctly when you log in.
3. Click the - OK - button. This will take you to a page confirming your account's activation. Either click on the next link that appears or you can just wait to be taken back to the first page.
4. Type in your Name and Password EXACTLY as it was typed during the registration process. If you don't want to have to log in to chat with your username and password every single day then set the Remember option to 1 year. Set your Timezone (
http://whatismytimezone.com/) to match what the time is currently where you're living. Then click the - OK - button.
That's it! You are now registered for chat!
Still having problems? Check out these tips:1. Make sure your browser accepts cookies from elementscommunity.com. If you don't know what this means, Google it.
2. Make sure you're clicking the correct buttons at the right time. If you don't understand the steps listed above, then try following this visual tutorial instead:




3. Make sure you're not getting this message when trying to register:
If you're getting this message then this means that either some piece of information is incorrect or your username is already being used. Make sure that your passwords match, and then try a different name if that still does not work.
4. If you've done all of this and it won't let you log in then I don't know what to tell you except to make sure that your password is the EXACT same as the one that you used when registering.