I'm experimenting with this deck at the moment :
6rl 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds
How does the deck work?
You need to draw at least one tower (which usually happens thanks to the mulligan), play a creature, cremate it, and if everything goes well, play all the remaining cards in your hand from that as soon as turn 1-2.
If you have a choice, always use cremate on the phoenix, and keep the brimstone eater alive...it produces extra quanta and damage.
The deck has some advantages over other golem decks :
-The phoenixes are very hard to kill, so even after a firestorm, or quinted otyugh, you are likely to win the game.
-There are many creatures so bone wall, or losing a few golems isn't a problem.
-Unlike golem decks, here, even if you don't draw a golem early, you have other creatures that can win you a game. A phoenix actually does damage unlike sparks/rays.
-If you draw lots of cremations and golems, but only one phoenix, no problem, you can sacrifice it any number of times, unlike sparks/rays which are fro one use only.
-Your already sacrificed phoenixes will revive and keep doing damage even after being "used up" for cremations.
What I'm unsure about at the moment, is how many of each card to include :
Towers or Explosions.
About the only way this deck can lose is not drawing any towers in the first 1-2 turns. Mulligan helps, so that is rare, but unfortunately still happens more than I want it to.
However, certain shields or weapons can be a major problem, and going below two explosions seems too risky...
Towers or Brimstone Eaters
Same as above...you can't play anything unless you draw at least one tower, but some eaters are necessary to increase the chance of having a creature available for cremate on turn 1-2.
Gavel or Farenheit
In case of a draw with few/no golems, Fahreinheit can be superior, but on average draws, the gavel is better, as it costs far less (essentially 0 because you don't pay fire for it). I think Gavel is the better choice at the moment.
Fire Nymph...happens to be my only nymph...it's a very good card, and can kill any creatures for you, or even boost your golems. Unfortunately neither the deck size, not the quanta seems to be enough to add it, and it's not that offensive, either.
Might worth inclusion if more rush decks go into top 50, but all I see is mainly rainbows, where the nymph isn't too useful.
Fire buckler...is good when there are a large number of Rol/Fractal decks, but useless otherwise.
The deck obviously doesn't work without being fully upgraded.