
Offline Jangoo

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg63987#msg63987
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2010, 07:24:36 pm »

Once upon a time ...

... the young brave Arcanis wished to stand on the shoulders of giants.
Seeing the horizon far and further and shouting out loud so his voice be heard across the land was his dream to be fulfilled. He offered as an oblation humour and wit, hoping to convince the giants of letting him climb their figure.
The giants however were old as the hills themselves and petrified in their ways of conduct. Long lost was their sense for all that was already known to them, forgotten their search for all that was not known to them and so it had come to be that they perceived themselves as allknowing. Sadly, they could not see his intention, could not feel his vibrant desire, would not understand his ways to fulfill his dream. "A giant is not to be climbed. This land is not to be shouted across." so they told him while shaking their heads in stoic resignation.
They dismissed Arcanis by giving him a meagre rabbit and advised him to feed on it so that he would grow taller by himself. Then they proceeded to mind their giant affairs.
And so the young brave Arcanis learned his first lesson in the land of the giants:

If you wish to see and shout as far as a giant, a giant you must become.

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg63989#msg63989
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2010, 07:27:45 pm »
I understand that this post is not meant to offend anyone, so please don't take my criticism the wrong way; but don't you think it's a bit rude to create an entire thread begging for a particular weapon?  I went for months before getting my first Pulverizer, and I turned out alright.  It's not like there was a time when rare weapons were super easy to obtain; there's a reason they're rare.

Aside from that, keep in mind that t50 farms are not your right, they are a privilege.  We're lucky to have t50 players who care enough for other players to put up special farms for us (and often per request).  Please be considerate.  Put in your request, and wait patiently -- no need to start a tirade.

Until you find someone willing to put up a farm for you, just keep farming -- and not just the t50.  I've won Pulverizers from AI3, and you can certainly win them from the False Gods.  If you've only got a 'half-unupped deck', farm for a fully upped one.  I'm telling you, you can raise the money from AI3.  Use a rush deck, and just keep hacking at level 3 (and occasionally t50) until you've got the funds you need.  It's how I afforded my first fully upgraded deck, so I know it can be done in a reasonable amount of time with a bit of effort.

Good luck!
+ karma,
its not that hard, AI3, top 50 farms, just ask dont make a beg thread.beg thread = >:C.


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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg63992#msg63992
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2010, 07:37:13 pm »
I went for months before getting my first Pulverizer, and I turned out alright.  It's not like there was a time when rare weapons were super easy to obtain; there's a reason they're rare.
I kinda agree with this. For the most part i had to earn the rares i needed. Getting my first eternity and pulvy were a pain. I am not one to ask for farms so i had to grind about 200 T50 games before i managed to get my first one. Many people (specially the older veterans) had to do much more grinding to get where they are at... of course life was a little easier back when you could beat FG's at a 80% rate.  ;D

Aside from that, keep in mind that t50 farms are not your right, they are a privilege.  We're lucky to have t50 players who care enough for other players to put up special farms for us (and often per request).  Please be considerate.  Put in your request, and wait patiently -- no need to start a tirade.
Like most, many of my rares i managed to win through T50 farms. To give back to the community i pretty much have a permanent T50 farm up and continue to check the thread to update it. What gets me though are the people who complain about the types of farms out. Like, i have 23 arsenics and 15 eternities, can't someone put something else up. Or the decks in the T50 that try to be as annoying as possible (6 SoGs, 6 SoD's, 6 Miracles, etc).  But those people are in the minority and i appreciate that the community is thankful for my and other's contributions.

And to answer Arcanis, there typically are so many different rare requests they can get lost. Anyhow i will leave a pulvy farm up for at least a couple days. Just don't forget to give back to the community in some way. Happy farming.

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64191#msg64191
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2010, 02:16:56 am »
I went for months before getting my first Pulverizer, and I turned out alright.  It's not like there was a time when rare weapons were super easy to obtain; there's a reason they're rare.
I kinda agree with this. For the most part i had to earn the rares i needed. Getting my first eternity and pulvy were a pain. I am not one to ask for farms so i had to grind about 200 T50 games before i managed to get my first one. Many people (specially the older veterans) had to do much more grinding to get where they are at... of course life was a little easier back when you could beat FG's at a 80% rate.  ;D

Aside from that, keep in mind that t50 farms are not your right, they are a privilege.  We're lucky to have t50 players who care enough for other players to put up special farms for us (and often per request).  Please be considerate.  Put in your request, and wait patiently -- no need to start a tirade.
Like most, many of my rares i managed to win through T50 farms. To give back to the community i pretty much have a permanent T50 farm up and continue to check the thread to update it. What gets me though are the people who complain about the types of farms out. Like, i have 23 arsenics and 15 eternities, can't someone put something else up. Or the decks in the T50 that try to be as annoying as possible (6 SoGs, 6 SoD's, 6 Miracles, etc).  But those people are in the minority and i appreciate that the community is thankful for my and other's contributions.

And to answer Arcanis, there typically are so many different rare requests they can get lost. Anyhow i will leave a pulvy farm up for at least a couple days. Just don't forget to give back to the community in some way. Happy farming.
Replying to the, by me bolded, part.

I run farms every night and sometimes daytime to pay back to the community, ie the forum users and the chat users as I fill their requests. They helped me and talked to me and now I help everyone who comes talking and being nice in chat and in the forum.

The SoG SoD Miracle farms are not an annoyance to me. People using the forum/chat knows how to handle such farms and its good practice to learn the art of counting past SoGs and miracle use (besides they are free EMs).
I do farms that are EMs and others that bite back 50/50 of the time because thats how farms were when I experienced them, getting used to just having to deploy the first creature and hold down spacebar key is too cheap.
In game name & Chat nick; Rastafla | Retired Tournament Organizer
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"Rasta's greatest weakness as a player is moot because this War will not take place in April." - kevkev60614

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64237#msg64237
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2010, 04:53:59 am »
Wow, the thread is alive!

Well, kinda. Your usual internets. People won't just smile, they'll have DRAMA. And obviously they won't read what others write, because if they do, there won't be much DRAMA left... At least among all that "gay old days, not ya lazy butts" someone remembers that back then people were grinding FGs with 80% rate. Reinvigorates my hope in the community.

Special points to Jangoo for the most ridiculous old fogey rant I've seen in awhile. Would I be like some, I'd take offense.EditL Disregard that, I had one of that days of dumbness.

P.S. Almost forgot the most important, official part! Nupz For Pulv Farms would like to greately thank everyone who supported the initiative and put up Pulv farms recently. We sincerely hope there will be no pulv droughts akin to last few weeks in the future  ^-^ Peace and love, and, obviously, Pulv Farms!

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64245#msg64245
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2010, 05:34:00 am »

Special points to Jangoo for the most ridiculous old fogey rant I've seen in awhile. Would I be like some, I'd take offense.
Hmmm ... apparently a gaming-forum isn't the best place for poetry because, as you said yourself, people won't read what others write for the sake of enacting drama ... they won't read properly at least.
If they would, they might even discover the true meaning of a tale like the one of Arcanis and the Giants. *shrug

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64261#msg64261
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2010, 06:50:23 am »
I hereby declare thy will of the glorious Good Daemons For Pharaohs federation to support thy young but promising movement "Nupz For Pulv Farms!".

Right now the federation has only 2 pulvs and ~27404 score, so little can we do to help, but we will grow in strength and prosper, so in no time we shall support thy "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" movement with more than just words of support.

We expect nothing in return... except some more tales from Jangoo, more humor and less drama in this thread.
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64274#msg64274
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2010, 07:35:44 am »
Rasta, mb I am just not in the mood (this is admittedly my *dumb* day, told a tale of forgettign to put Dragons in scrambled roflhope for Oracled DG... after I went to shop and bought those dragons!), maybe it's something in my unfamilliarity with the language and/or style, but I rly read it several times and hadnt discovered the meaning I suppose you're talking about. I'm asking genuinely, could you please enlighten me? I would rather know that then remain mistakengly ill-impressed.

And thank for your support, Good Daemons For Pharaohs! If your federation is lacking in Pulvs, we suggest you take advantage of the widespread succeess of our party 's launch and proceed to t50 immidately ;)))) Our initiative is being supported by some of the kindest and nicest people around there!  8)

And because of it, Nupz For Pulv Farms are happy pandas! :P


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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64284#msg64284
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2010, 08:38:51 am »
Aside from that, keep in mind that t50 farms are not your right, they are a privilege.
Agreed. Rare weapons are supposed to be rare. T50 wasn't designed for winning 3 rare cards in one game.

Offline Xinef

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64288#msg64288
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2010, 09:09:27 am »
And because of it, Nupz For Pulv Farms are happy pandas! :P

Just a random sketch of a panda I drew a while ago... Pandas are extremely important animals, especially for students in Poland, because "Pan da 3" is a Polish phrase meaning "Mr. please give 3" which is the lowest passing grade in universities, so students tend to draw pandas on exam sheets ;P
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai

Offline Jangoo

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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64294#msg64294
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2010, 09:36:21 am »
[...] maybe it's something in my unfamilliarity with the language and/or style, but I rly read it several times and hadnt discovered the meaning I suppose you're talking about. I'm asking genuinely, could you please enlighten me? I would rather know that then remain mistakengly ill-impressed.
It is good to see that the tale is open to a variety of personalized interpretations and doesn't just rub some kind of opinion or factual description into anyones face. Decent poetry shouldn't do that.
However, a decent author will never impose his interpretation of his very own text on the audience. ;)
But I suppose I could shed a little light on that tale by suggesting a few questions:

In which way are the giants and their ways to go about things depicted?
Do they strike you, the reader, as a party you would like to side with or become a part of?
What is the origin and implication of the phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants"?
What are the implications of the giants refusal to have Arcanis stand on their shoulders?
Will Arcanis ever be able to fulfill his dream by becoming a giant himself?
What is the quality of the lesson Arcanis learned? Is it a universal truth, a code of conduct, something else?

But literature lecture aside, let me state clearly and on topic:

I fully support the Nubz-for-Pulv-Farms!-party.
I have had a Pulvy-Eternity farm on for a longer time now and will do so again in the near future.


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Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6160.msg64993#msg64993
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2010, 05:43:52 pm »
Why would you need a Pulverizer for your FG deck? Since the nerf they are pretty much pointless through draining quanta from your Oty. Get a Butterfly effect and be happy. In fact, for your standard anti FG deck you don't need any kind of destroy or steal to be successful (It's the opposite, it slows you down).

