Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 2 - Forge => Card Ideas and Art => Forge Archive => Topic started by: EmeraldTiger on November 19, 2012, 05:50:25 pm

Title: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 19, 2012, 05:50:25 pm
3 :entropy

Shuffle all creatures in play. Players keep the same quanity they had before the shuffle.
2 :entropy

Shuffle all creatures in play. Players keep the same quanity they had before the shuffle.

This is an area spell like those that can cancel . When this is played all creatures (except any that are untargetable) are randomly redistributed between both players. As the card reads, each player will maintain the same quantity of creatures the had before spell was cast.

Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Drake_XIV on November 19, 2012, 05:58:11 pm
Oh, this mixes up all the creatures on the field, not just on one?  Hm...
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 19, 2012, 06:02:01 pm
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 19, 2012, 06:10:04 pm
So, a possibility would be if you had 3 normal Maxwell Demons and the opponent had 3 blessed and quinted chargers, they can switch completely?
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 19, 2012, 06:21:19 pm
I think it would act same as other Area spells such as in that quinted/immaterial creatures are ignored.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Drake_XIV on November 19, 2012, 06:28:36 pm
So, this would remove invisibility, no?
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 19, 2012, 06:32:53 pm
yes it would cancel cloak
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Rutarete on November 20, 2012, 01:09:51 am
Gogo ShufflePande combo!
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Elbirn on November 20, 2012, 01:47:51 am
Soo Fractal + RoL, followed by this = nice combo.
Hm. Same with afla, or any other cheap creature generator. I like it, tho it does rely of course on your opponent gettings lots of strong creatures out. Overall, I think it's an awesome idea.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Joseph7 on November 20, 2012, 03:34:50 am
I really like this idea. Totally fits entropy, no doubt about it. Nice idea!
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on November 20, 2012, 04:19:17 am
Can control of creatures switch with this card?

If yes, it's very chaotic and interesting.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Drake_XIV on November 20, 2012, 08:25:07 am
Can control of creatures switch with this card?

If yes, it's very chaotic and interesting.

I believe that was the idea.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: choongmyoung on November 20, 2012, 08:36:45 am
Like this!
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: OldTrees on November 21, 2012, 05:19:30 pm
How is it determined?
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 21, 2012, 05:26:51 pm
Whatcha mean?
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Cheesy111 on November 21, 2012, 05:45:51 pm
An awesome use for microabom.  Could be too powerful with Singularity though.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 21, 2012, 05:47:09 pm
An awesome use for microabom.  Could be too powerful with Singularity though.

zanz could program it to come back. Singularity does what it wants.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: OldTrees on November 21, 2012, 06:01:32 pm
Whatcha mean?

Are the creatures put in a random order and then assigned sides to return to based on the remaining vacated slots on each side?
Or are there any surprises?

I have learned to ask entropy cards this question even when it seems out of place.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 21, 2012, 07:06:25 pm
So notes are needed here, hmm.

How does this sound?

Notes: This is an area spell like those that can cancel . When this is played all creatures (except any that are untargetable) are randomly redistributed between both players. As the card reads, each player will maintain the same quantity of creatures the had before spell was cast.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Elbirn on November 22, 2012, 05:27:41 am
A simple way to think of this is as a pandemonium that always TU's. However in this case, after the TU takes place, the original creature is killed.

If not for the undesirable death effects, that ^ could be the best way to work this card mechanically.
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: Drake_XIV on November 22, 2012, 07:40:01 am
So notes are needed here, hmm.

How does this sound?

Notes: This is an area spell like those that can cancel . When this is played all creatures (except any that are untargetable) are randomly redistributed between both players. As the card reads, each player will maintain the same quantity of creatures the had before spell was cast.

So, their position isn't specified according to playing?  They may just end up being shoved in Slot... 14 when 2 is the next open slot?
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: rickerd on November 22, 2012, 01:24:47 pm
aflatoxin will like it
Title: Re: Unbound | Unbound
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 15, 2013, 08:21:06 pm
Here is another of my crazy Entropy. ideas .