(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd229670/elements_card.jpg) | (http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd230173/elements_card1.jpg) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
I see why the attack is lowered to 3.Yup. It's an excuse for a much lower casting cost to utilize the ability more easily, a higher HP, and synergy with Adrenaline, among other things.
I like it. The damage to quanta ratio is pretty good, and it's pretty sturdy.Thanks! It also works with other elements too, like Rage Pots.
unupped can take two attacks from air (snipes or shockwaves)
while upped can take up to three attacks from air (snipes)
This card would be really good if thunderstorm could target your own side of the field.
Seeing this card made me remember a card which had a blue phoenix as art, which made me think "Hey, that would fit pretty nicely."Mmm, that does look nice. I'm going to use these, thanks! Not sure which exact one I used though. :P
Here are 4 different versions I made based on that idea - feel free to use any of them.
This card looks good, maybe a little OP though.Stormbringer + Bloodsuckers + Archangels
Stormbringer+Infection=Really cool.
When you say "each time Stormbringer takes damage" do you mean each point of damage as in a 4 damage shockwave gives 4 discharges and does 4 damage to each enemy creature <OR> do you mean each time it is damaged, so a Shockwave would be 1 discharge/1 damage to all creatures, and an Owl's Eye would be 1 discharge/1 damage to all creatures.It's the latter, where any amount of damage from one source only causes 1 discharge.
If it is the first way I suggest rewording the card "For each point of damage done to Stormbringer, deal 1 damage to each enemy creature."
Also 2 :air for a 3/9, even without an ability is really, really good. Frogs and Graviton Guard are 5/3 and 3/5 without ability and they should be the top of the scale. The upped version needs to be rebalanced, I'd say at least 4 or 5 :air for 3/9 or lower the stats a lot to fit 2 :air.