What do people have against complexity??? Even Zanz sais "Simple is good, thats how it is".
And yet we have 130 different cards in one game! I perfectly understand every card of quantum mechanics and I like every single one (with exeptions maybe).
If I looked at great Luna I perfectly understood it, even if I dont know if "affect" is a multiplier or additor. If I look at this card it is ever clearer, it is completely defined what happens!
Without complex this game wouldn't work. Playing it with real cards would be close to impossible. Already keeping track of HP and quanta would use tons of paper, and mutation would need you to dice 5 times with different dices having from 4 to 20 sides. (Just that you know... I understand mutation, it's easy*)
If Zanz wanted to make an easy game it would be like that: only firepillars, asheaters and 25HP max. End.
Maybe me and Kaek should make our own game that consists of quantummechanics-cards, mutation (the idea would not be stolen as mutation takes all creatures and all abilities together which as a principle is just... obvious

), fate egg, 20 elements, each element being a mathematical problem like probability, geometry... Ok
that would suck.
I just want to say: Currently this game is 1. building decks, 2. having ingame luck.
And the best decks are still the (so very complex) rainbow ones.
1. chose random creature
2. add randomly from 0 to 4 attack (+0 or +1 or +2 or +3 or +4)
2a. repeat for HP
3. replace skill with a skill taken from a list (list available in the wiki).
4. Set skill cost randomly to 1 or 2 from the creature's element.
Wait... what does the card say? "Turn the target creature into a superior mutant"!