one of these + skeleton fractal = OP.
tone it down might help
So... thats 3 cards, 15+

(7 for this card plus 8 for the 8 skeletons), 10

(plus absorb all remaining

) for a total of 8 poison.
That is NOT by any means OP man.
Sure, the sacrifice part could help bolster a bonewall, but that further increases the card count and quanta requirement for the combo.
In openEtG I would be
a little more inclined to agree with you since skeletons were buffed to have 0 cost... But even then, its still over 18

and 3 cards for a mere 8 poison... maybe 9 and thats stretching it.
I tend to produce cards that ere too far to the UP side so when I say this thing is not OP its probably a good sign that it could even use a slight buff...
There are far more efficient poison combos.