Yes, it is great for mono decks, and it even has some use for rainbow decks, however, I dont see it as OP. People keep complaining about how mono decks need to be stronger, however, every time theres a suggestion for it, then it seems shot down because it would make them OP. Would this card really give a mono deck a better chance against an FG? Or would it just make it a more viable suggestion for rush decks and decks that rely on having heavy amounts of quanta?
So you are saying we need overpowered cards to balance the game? Rare, overpowered cards, only accessible to a small percentage of players?
When we look at what card is OP and what is not, we should compare it to other cards, nothing else. And when you compare this card to Tower, it's clearly more powerful, therefore OP.
If you have access to this card, there's no reason to take a Tower instead.
If you wanted a deck that relied on this card, and didnt have any pillars, then you would be limited to your mark, and getting luck on the draws since you can only have 6. Which youd also have a discard the very first turn if you went 2nd since there would be no way to play this card without a tower immolation or nova on your first turn.

That's not how you use this card. You don't just replace Towers with this one. You use them both.
Like this:
Mark of Fire
12 x Burning Tower
6 x Shard of Power
6 x Fire Bold
2 x Explosion
2 x Fahrenheit
2 x Fire Buckler
That deck has the potential of producing
16 quanta on the
first turn. On average, producing 10+ quanta during the first few turns is probably very common. Combine that kind of quanta production with Fire Bolt and Fahrenheit, and countering the deck is going to be really difficult.
And it's not only for a Fire Bolt deck. Basically any deck that relies on quanta production would be a huge boost.
Quantum Tower produces extra quanta because it's
random, and you don't always get what you want. Shard of Power gives the same amount, but it also gives you exactly what you want (your mark). That doesn't sound weird?
The reason why Nova/Supernova is great, is that it's nicely balanced compared to other quanta producing cards.
1. Both unupped and upped versions have their pros and cons, and neither of them is "better".
2. Nova/Supernova is not always "better" than a Tower because Towers could be better in the long run
So here are out options:
Nova = take 12 quanta for free now
Supernova = take 24 quanta later by paying 2

Tower = start slow but generate a lot of quanta overall
I personally don't want to see:
Shard of Power aka "Super Tower" = start relatively slow but generate 3 times as much quanta as a Tower